
There are many promising features in oVirt, but still I feel it is just "promising", not for production. 

The most critical issue for me, that is preventing me from using oVirt in production, is the "single point of failure" of the engine. I wouldn't want the struggle of setting up a new engine, and all the hazards that brings, in a production environment, in the case of an engine failure

So, some sort of clustered engine, or master/slave, or whatever can solve this situation.

Perhaps one of the reasons this is difficult is because of the integration of both admin portal and user portal? Then I believe it was a mistake to combine them, and that it would be better to split them.

Rgrds Johan

Op 03-01-13 17:08, Itamar Heim schreef:
Hi Everyone,

as we wrap oVirt 3.2, I wanted to check with oVirt users on what they find good/useful in oVirt, and what they would like to see improved/added in coming versions?

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