=== oVirt-Live-0.9.iso - beta version Jan 9th 2013  ===

wiki: http://wiki.ovirt.org/wiki/OVirt_Live

 ==== Download ====
[ http://resources.ovirt.org/releases/3.2/tools/ovirt-live-0.9.iso ]

==== change-log ====
- Based on ovirt 3.2 nightly (git1a60fea) Fedora 18 beta 

==== Known-Issues ====

On some chipsets one could encounter the following bug: 
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=878119 which will cause the storage 
domain to fail. In case of a failure a workaround is to append "-w 
/dev/watchdog1" to WDMDOPTS in /etc/sysconfig/wdmd and run systemctl start 

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