On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 9:50 PM, Alon Bar-Lev  wrote:
> Sorry about that.
> Can you please install these[1] rpms?
> It won't solve anything just provide me more information.
> Thanks!
> [1] 
> http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt-host-deploy_create_rpms_fedora/jdk=java-1.7.0-openjdk.x86_64,label=fedora18/

Actually I think it's me who has to sorry about that... let me explain

All my tests during these months on different environments were made
without DNS because I had no chance to manage it on the lan where I
For this test insead I had opportunity to make things well and so I
configured a CentoS 6.3 vm on another server as DNS server and IPA
server for the environment.

So I configured my DNS this way and it works ok:

ipacentos ---> dns server + IPA server
f18ovn03 ---> node to install
f18engine ---> engine

So far so good, DNS ok.

But when this morning I tried to install the host, my input in web
admin portal was:

Name ---> f18ovn03.localdomain.local
ip ---> (that is WRONG! It is the one of the CentOS 6.3
vm, running on a R310 that has indeed an Intel cpu...)

In fact
[root@f18engine ~]# cd /var/log/ovirt-engine/host-deploy/
[root@f18engine host-deploy]# ll
total 112
-rw-r--r--. 1 ovirt ovirt 110947 Jan 31 12:17

se the .103 in filename
Unfortunately I realized that only this evening ;-(

I tried to remove and install the node with correct ip value from the
gui but I always got ssh connection interrupted messages...
So I decided to restart clean with engine-cleanup and reboot of both servers.
Probably an uuid for the hostname and/or the ip during the initial
wrong deploy was causing inability to proceed....

So I reinstalled the beta versions for host-deploy and
host-deploy-java rpm on engine
And I was able to correctly install the node.... and after reboot it
is now up and I can proceed
Very very sorry to have let you waste your time ;-(

But I managed to learn one thing and to ask you another one:

1) never put the same password on different servers ;-)

2) the "Name" field when adding a node should match its hostname or is
meant only to be a label?
In the first case, I think it could be a safe thing to verify hostname
lookup and if it doesn' t match the ip provided, send a warning window
to the user, because strange things could happen
In the second case, probably if I removed the host from webadmin and
tried to install with a different label (Name) and correct ip (.102)
would have been successful in your opinion, without reconfiguring all
the engine?

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