I seem to remember in RHEV 3.0 that when you configured an IPA domain,
its admin was automatically configured as an admin for RHEV itself.
Is it true and in case does remain true for oVirt?

I configured IPA as shipped on CentOS 6.3+updates

I successfully added it to y oVirt 3.2 beta setup

[root@f18engine ~]# engine-manage-domains -action=add
-domain=LOCALDOMAIN.LOCAL -user=admin -provider=IPA -interactive
Enter password:

The domain localdomain.local has been added to the engine as an
authentication source but no users from that domain have been granted
permissions within the oVirt Manager.
Users from this domain can be granted permissions from the Web
administration interface.
oVirt Engine restart is required in order for the changes to take
place (service ovirt-engine restart).
Manage Domains completed successfully

[root@f18engine ~]# systemctl try-restart ovirt-engine.service
[root@f18engine ~]# systemctl status ovirt-engine.service
ovirt-engine.service - oVirt Engine
 Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/ovirt-engine.service; enabled)
 Active: active (running) since Sat 2013-02-02 00:10:29 CET; 10s ago
Process: 32512 ExecStop=/usr/bin/engine-service stop (code=exited,
Process: 32520 ExecStart=/usr/bin/engine-service start (code=exited,
Main PID: 32521 (java)
 CGroup: name=systemd:/system/ovirt-engine.service
 └─32521 engine-service -server -XX:+TieredCompilation -Xms1g -Xmx1g
-XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPe...

Feb 02 00:10:28 f18engine.localdomain.local systemd[1]: Starting oVirt Engine...
Feb 02 00:10:29 f18engine.localdomain.local engine-service[32520]:
Started engine process 32521.
Feb 02 00:10:29 f18engine.localdomain.local engine-service[32520]:
Starting engine-service: [  OK  ]
Feb 02 00:10:29 f18engine.localdomain.local systemd[1]: Started oVirt Engine.

Now from web admin portal I can choose the "localdomain.local" domain
in drop down menu.
But when I try to enter the webadmin portal I get:

User is not authorized to perform this action.

Do I need to grant IPA admin user from internal admin before, or
should it just work?

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