Le 30/01/2013 12:00, René Koch (ovido) a écrit :

The following command migrates a KVM vm named "test-rhel6" to your
export domain "ovirt-engine:/data/nfs/export" with qcow2, thin
provisioned disk and ovirtmgmt-network from KVM host "kvm-host":

# virt-v2v -i libvirt -ic qemu+ssh://root@kvm-host/system -o rhev -os
ovirt-engine:/data/nfs/export -of qcow2 -oa sparse -n ovirtmgmt

See "virt-v2v --help" for details...

You can also create a profile in /etc/virt-v2v.conf to avoid command
line arguments for virt-v2v...

For migration you need an export domain which must be NFS (not iSCSI).

So the migration steps are:
1. create export domain
2. activate export domain on datacenter
3. install virt-v2v on ovirt engine host
4. migrate host to export domain
5. import vm from export domain

Thank you to Alex, Jakub (you were right, an NFS export domain is OK with an iSCSI data center), and René.

- On a separate server, I created a NFS shared space.
- On oVirt web gui, I created a new export domain, plugged on the NFS space.
- I activated it, linked it to my iSCSI data center.
- On the oVirt manager, I installed virt-v2v and its numerous dependencies. Seemless.
- Converting a domain using René's advices went all right (thank you).
- Importing into oVirt was also OK.
All those actions were related to linux VMs.

Now, the problem comes with migrating windows vmachines.
I read here at :

that I had to install three things, more or less optional :
- virtio-win (this one seems mandatory, as I'm getting the error :
virt-v2v: blah blah blah missing : /usr/share/virtio-win/drivers/i386/WinXP or whatever windows OS - I tried many) - libguestfs-winsupport (I don't know whether it is mandatory, as I'm hitting the bug above.It seems important as it seems related to the file system, so quite useful) - Guest Tools ISO (this one seems to be similar to VmWare tools, if I understood it well), so I don't know if it's an improvement only, neither where to find it for oVirt and Fedora.


Nicolas Ecarnot
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