Minutes: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-02-06-15.01.html Minutes (text): http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-02-06-15.01.txt Log: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-02-06-15.01.log.html

#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Meeting

Meeting started by mburns at 15:01:04 UTC. The full logs are available
at http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-02-06-15.01.log.html

Meeting summary
* Agenda and Roll Call  (mburns, 15:01:15)
  * Release Status and updates  (mburns, 15:01:26)
  * Workshops and Conferences  (mburns, 15:01:40)
  * Team reports  (mburns, 15:01:44)

* Release Status  (mburns, 15:04:35)
  * mburns mgoldboi and oschreib met yesterday to review blockers on the
    tracker  (mburns, 15:04:58)
  * LINK:

    (mburns, 15:05:04)
  * all bugs in the tracker except 3 ovirt-node bugs are at least in
    post status  (mburns, 15:06:41)
  * bugs in post are in final review stages  (mburns, 15:06:56)
  * ovirt-node bugs are going to either be fixed and pushed today or
    deferred  (mburns, 15:07:26)
  * some bugs on this list have not yet made it into builds posted on
    ovirt.org  (mburns, 15:08:13)
  * next steps are to get the final bugs pushed into the git repos and
    get builds posted  (mburns, 15:08:45)
  * plan to have all packages posted by friday  (mburns, 15:12:53)
  * go/no-go on 12-Feb and announcement of GA following shortly after
    (mburns, 15:13:11)
  * we are still missing packages for dwh/reports docs and
    engine-sdk-java  (mburns, 15:13:56)
  * oschreib to try to post engine rpms tomorrow  (mburns, 15:14:41)
  * ACTION: mburns to review vdsm bugs to ensure they're included in the
    vdsm 3.2 branch  (mburns, 15:24:22)

* Workshops and Conferences  (mburns, 15:29:37)
  * oVirt at FOSDEM  (dneary, 15:29:52)
  * Our stand had a huge amount of traffic, and several oVirt community
    members were there (hey Rydekull, ewoud!)  (dneary, 15:30:25)
  * oVirt presentations in the Virt DevRoom were typically very wekk
    attended - Doron's oVirt introduction and Federico's live migration
    presentation were both full houses  (dneary, 15:31:05)
  * In addition, Oved Ourfali presented DeltaCloud integration with
    oVirt in the "Build a Cloud Day" part of PuppetCamp in Ghent before
    the conference  (dneary, 15:31:52)
  * Doron gave 3 presentations about oVirt, Oved gave a Foreman and
    DeltaCloud presentation, and Federico presented Live Migration. In
    addition, Zeeshan Ali presented Boxes automated install capabilities
    (dneary, 15:32:55)
  * A good time was had by all, and we have several interesting leads to
    follow up for case studies & questions  (dneary, 15:33:28)
  * ACTION: Dave to post CfP and registration details for Intel workshop
    in May this week  (dneary, 15:36:00)

* Infra team report  (mburns, 15:37:28)
  * infra team tried to meet up at FOSDEM but missed each other
    (mburns, 15:38:45)
  * not much else to report  (mburns, 15:38:56)
  * ACTION: Dave to add ewoud for AlterWay server  (dneary, 15:40:12)

* other topics  (mburns, 15:40:45)

Meeting ended at 15:44:22 UTC.

Action Items
* mburns to review vdsm bugs to ensure they're included in the vdsm 3.2
* Dave to post CfP and registration details for Intel workshop in May
  this week
* Dave to add ewoud for AlterWay server

Action Items, by person
* ewoud
  * Dave to add ewoud for AlterWay server
* mburns
  * mburns to review vdsm bugs to ensure they're included in the vdsm
    3.2 branch
  * Dave to post CfP and registration details for Intel workshop in May
    this week

People Present (lines said)
* mburns (62)
* dneary (25)
* goacid (13)
* apuimedo (11)
* mkolesni (9)
* fsimonce (7)
* oschreib (7)
* ovirtbot (5)
* ewoud (4)
* mgoldboi (4)
* Rydekull (2)
* jb_netapp (1)
* mkolesni__ (1)
* dustins (1)

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