  Thank you for your help! I love the linux community.

I actually was able to get my system up 2 days ago. I did a fresh minimal install of F17, and ovirt 3.1. * ran engine-setup trying to use as many of the same variables as I would have around a year ago.
* shutdown jboss-as and ovirt-engine
* imported the database
* started services back up
* ran engine-config to reset the password
* restarted services
* was able to log in
* Had to wait roughly 10-15 minutes before ovirt decided that nothing was running and I could finally delete the nodes from my cluster
* Re-added the nodes.. they got the new certificates
* Networking & Storage (I use ISCSI) came back just fine
* SUCCESS !!! (such a great feeling)

. . . . and now you IDIOT (me) . . . . back up the certificates too!


On 2/18/13 5:00 AM, Adrian Gibanel wrote:
If it can help I wrote an oVirt engine migration page for oVirt 3.1 on:

. I suppose some of the steps might be adapted for your case easily.


    *De: *"Itamar Heim" <>
    *Para: *"Saint Keimond" <>
    *CC: *
    *Enviados: *Domingo, 17 de Febrero 2013 9:26:34
    *Asunto: *Re: [Users] Lost our management server.. have DB backup
    but no        /etc/pki/

    On 17/02/2013 04:17, Saint Keimond wrote:
    > Hello,
    >    We lost our Fedora 17 server with ovirt 3.1 on it. We have a good
    > database backup but do not have have any certificates. From what
    I read,
    > it is possible to still do a restore.. we just have to rejoin
    all the
    > nodes so that they get a new certificate.
    > I've tried to bring the database in to a fresh 3.1 install and a
    > 3.2 install.. with no success on either. I need some helping
    > this out :)
    > Thanks,
    >     David

    i don't remember the exact process of the top of my head, but it
    be either:
    1. restore db, then install ovirt (exact same version by re-using the
    2. install ovirt, restore the db over it, and fix some config
    entries to
    correctly map the new certificates.

    then just remove hosts and re-add them to generate new certs for them
    (or just move them to maint and re-install them via the link that
    appear in the general subtab)

<>*Adrián Gibanel*
I.T. Manager

+34 675 683 301 <>

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