On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 10:51 PM, Itamar Heim wrote:
> On 27/02/2013 15:25, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
>> 2) In general when I start from a src.rpm, the build is sort of
>> self-contained. Instead for ovirt-engine it downloaded many packages
>> from web sites (maven, atlassian, ecc...) during the build. How can I
>> be sure that my build is the same today and tomorrow, starting from
>> the same src.rpm?
> you'd have to force maven to use a pre-defined repo, rather than pull from
> the various artifactories.

Sorry, perhaps my ignorance, but the times I had to rebuild rpm
package.rpm what I had to do was:

- rpm -ivh package.src.rpm
- go into ~/rpmbuild/SPECS and eventually modify package.spec file
- go into ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES and eventually modify/delete/add source
files and/or patches
- go into ~/rpmbuild/SPECS and run
rpmbuild -bb package.spec

How does it fit your sentence regarding maven? What to operationally
do to build the same package as in stable rpm repo (after the source

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