Hi René,

> I use Perl Template Toolkit and jQuery at the moment, but think that
> Template Toolkit isn't really necessary as most of the HTML could be
> done with plain HTML and jQuery as well.

Yes :) we could simply extend existing API functions to accept DOM element as 
custom content, in addition to contentUrl/iframe implementation.

This could be done for each API function that currently works with contentUrl 
argument: addMainTab, addSubTab, showDialog

The reason for pushing this feature forward is to give everyone more 
possibilities, e.g. I wouldn't want to lock people into "plugins can contribute 
content only via contentUrl" approach.

Also, check out 
http://www.ovirt.org/Features/UIPlugins#oVirt_Monitoring_UI_Plugin :)


----- Original Message -----
From: "René Koch (ovido)" <r.k...@ovido.at>
To: "Vojtech Szocs" <vsz...@redhat.com>
Cc: "ovirt-users" <users@ovirt.org>
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 9:24:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Users] Introducing oVirt Monitoring UI-Plugin

On Mon, 2013-02-25 at 07:21 -0500, Vojtech Szocs wrote:
> Hi René,
> first of all, great job on releasing the Monitoring UI Plugin!

Thanks a lot!

> The plugin itself (start.html) looks nice and easy, and the UI is awesome 
> (almost identical to default oVirt UI).

That was my plan - the plugin should fit as good as possible into oVirt.

> I see that you use a combination of CGI/Perl + jQuery to render the sub-tab 
> UI. We're actually planning to extend the plugin API to accept HTML DOM 
> elements in addition to "content URL" so that plugin-specific UI can be built 
> and attached to WebAdmin UI directly on client, using JavaScript frameworks 
> such as jQuery, Backbone, etc. :)

Sounds really great.
I use Perl Template Toolkit and jQuery at the moment, but think that
Template Toolkit isn't really necessary as most of the HTML could be
done with plain HTML and jQuery as well.

> One question: in monitoring.js, after you call api.showDialog, you also call 
> api.ready, but at that point api.ready has already been called, as it 
> essentially kick-starts plugin initialization..

I'll skip the api.ready call - thanks for the information.

> Can I add your plugin to 
> http://www.ovirt.org/Features/UIPlugins#Real-world_UI_plugins ?

Yes of course - thanks.


> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "René Koch (ovido)" <r.k...@ovido.at>
> To: "ovirt-users" <users@ovirt.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 3:04:13 PM
> Subject: [Users] Introducing oVirt Monitoring UI-Plugin
> I'm happy to announce oVirt Monitoring UI-Plugin, which allows the
> integration of a Nagios or Icinga monitoring solution into oVirt 3.2
> webadmin. With this plugin you can access detailed service check results
> and information including performance graphs within oVirt webadmin for
> hosts and virtual machines.
> We look forward to extend this plugin with more Nagios/Icinga features
> like acknowledgments, comments or service rescheduling, permissions,
> dashboards, check_mk-integration for virtual machine monitoring and many
> more.
> For more information about this project and screenshots please visit ​
> https://labs.ovido.at/monitoring/wiki/ovirt-monitoring-ui-plugin
> The download location is
>       * ​
>         https://labs.ovido.at/monitoring/wiki/ovirt-monitoring-ui-plugin
>         %3Adownload
> Please note that this first release is an early development version with
> some minor CSS bugs on some browsers.
> If you have any questions or ideas, please drop me an email: ​
> r.k...@ovido.at.
> Thank you for using oVirt Monitoring UI-Plugin.

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