On 04/03/2013 19:03, Patrick Hurrelmann wrote:
Hi list,

I tested the upcoming CentOS 6.4 release with my lab installation of
oVirt 3.1 and it fails to play well.

Background: freshly installed CentOS 6.3 host in a Nehalem CPU-type
Cluster with 2 other hosts. Storage is iSCSI. Datacenter and Cluster are
both version 3.1. oVirt 3.1 was installed via Dreyou's repo.

In CentOS 6.3 all is fine and the following rpms are installed:

libvirt.x86_64                0.9.10-21.el6_3.8
libvirt-client.x86_64         0.9.10-21.el6_3.8
libvirt-lock-sanlock.x86_64   0.9.10-21.el6_3.8
libvirt-python.x86_64         0.9.10-21.el6_3.8
vdsm.x86_64                   4.10.0-0.46.15.el6
vdsm-cli.noarch               4.10.0-0.46.15.el6
vdsm-python.x86_64            4.10.0-0.46.15.el6
vdsm-xmlrpc.noarch            4.10.0-0.46.15.el6
qemu-kvm.x86_64               2:

uname -a
Linux vh-test1.mydomain.com 2.6.32-279.22.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Feb 6
03:10:46 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

virsh cpu capabilities on 6.3:
       <topology sockets='1' cores='4' threads='1'/>
       <feature name='rdtscp'/>
       <feature name='pdcm'/>
       <feature name='xtpr'/>
       <feature name='tm2'/>
       <feature name='est'/>
       <feature name='smx'/>
       <feature name='vmx'/>
       <feature name='ds_cpl'/>
       <feature name='monitor'/>
       <feature name='dtes64'/>
       <feature name='pbe'/>
       <feature name='tm'/>
       <feature name='ht'/>
       <feature name='ss'/>
       <feature name='acpi'/>
       <feature name='ds'/>
       <feature name='vme'/>

and corresponding cpu features from vdsClient:

    cpuCores = 4
    cpuFlags = fpu,vme,de,pse,tsc,msr,pae,mce,cx8,apic,mtrr,pge,mca,
    cpuModel = Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X3430  @ 2.40GHz
    cpuSockets = 1
    cpuSpeed = 2394.132

So the system was updated to 6.4 using the continuous release repo.

Installed rpms after update to 6.4 (6.3 + CR):

libvirt.x86_64                0.10.2-18.el6
libvirt-client.x86_64         0.10.2-18.el6
libvirt-lock-sanlock.x86_64   0.10.2-18.el6
libvirt-python.x86_64         0.10.2-18.el6
vdsm.x86_64                   4.10.0-0.46.15.el6
vdsm-cli.noarch               4.10.0-0.46.15.el6
vdsm-python.x86_64            4.10.0-0.46.15.el6
vdsm-xmlrpc.noarch            4.10.0-0.46.15.el6
qemu-kvm.x86_64               2:

uname -a
Linux vh-test1.mydomain.com 2.6.32-358.0.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Feb 27
06:06:45 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

virsh capabilities on 6.4:
       <topology sockets='1' cores='4' threads='1'/>
       <feature name='rdtscp'/>
       <feature name='pdcm'/>
       <feature name='xtpr'/>
       <feature name='tm2'/>
       <feature name='est'/>
       <feature name='smx'/>
       <feature name='vmx'/>
       <feature name='ds_cpl'/>
       <feature name='monitor'/>
       <feature name='dtes64'/>
       <feature name='pbe'/>
       <feature name='tm'/>
       <feature name='ht'/>
       <feature name='ss'/>
       <feature name='acpi'/>
       <feature name='ds'/>
       <feature name='vme'/>

and corresponding cpu features from vdsClient:

    cpuCores = 4
    cpuFlags = fpu,vme,de,pse,tsc,msr,pae,mce,cx8,apic,sep,mtrr,pge,mca,
    cpuModel = Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X3430  @ 2.40GHz
    cpuSockets = 1
    cpuSpeed = 2394.098

Full outputs of virsh capabilities and vdsCaps are attached. The only
difference I can see is that 6.4 exposes one additional cpu flags (sep)
and this seems to break the cpu recognition of vdsm.

Anyone has some hints on how to resolve or debug this further? What more
information can I provide to help?

Best regards

Users mailing list

seems like a vdsm issue - can you check if you have this patch (not sure its related):

commit 558994f8ffe030acd1b851dfd074f3417681337b
Author: Mark Wu <wu...@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
Date:   Tue Oct 9 11:18:10 2012 +0800

    Fix a bug in the naming convertion of cpu feature 'sse4_x'

    The list slice opertion missed the last character. It caused
    the feature name couldn't get chance to be converted into
    libvirt's naming.

    Change-Id: Ia241b09c96fa16441ba9421f61a2f9a417f0d978
    Signed-off-by: Mark Wu <wu...@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
    Reviewed-on: http://gerrit.ovirt.org/8413
    Reviewed-by: Dan Kenigsberg <dan...@redhat.com>
    Reviewed-by: Michal Skrivanek <michal.skriva...@redhat.com>

diff --git a/vdsm/libvirtvm.py b/vdsm/libvirtvm.py
index 64a3b6b..bd43b56 100644
--- a/vdsm/libvirtvm.py
+++ b/vdsm/libvirtvm.py
@@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ class _DomXML:

         for feature in features[1:]:
             # convert Linux name of feature to libvirt
-            if feature[1:5] == 'sse4_':
+            if feature[1:6] == 'sse4_':
                 feature = feature[0] + 'sse4.' + feature[6:]

             f = self.doc.createElement('feature')

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