Hi Frederic, thanks for your report!

Il 06/03/2013 10:23, Frederic Bevia ha scritto:
> Hello,
> First, i apologise if it's the wrong place for my question.
> I had try to install ovirt all-in-one on a Centos6 test server, following this
> howtos: http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/oVirt,
> http://blog.jebpages.com/archives/up-and-running-with-ovirt-3-1-edition/ and
> http://www.ovirt.org/Quick_Start_Guide.
> I followed the pre-requisites, cpu, ram, disks, packages etc..
> My server is a test server with fresh new Centos 6.3 install, and so, it's in 
> a
> lan séparated from the main prod lan.
> But It hass acces to Internet and DNS, but it isn't registred in our DNSs.
> Simply it's declared in his own hostfile ( /etc/hosts/). It's fqdn is
> srv-santos.cg33.fr (note the lame joke :-)), and when I ping it from himself
> (ping srv-santos;cg33.fr), the ping is OK (idem with ping localhost). When 
> with
>  python i do this: 
> gethostbyname('srv-santos.cg33.fr')
> ''
> the response is OK. 
> So the OS himself can resolve is own hostname via the hosts file, since it 
> isn't
> in DNS. I also checked that in the resolv.conf, the order is hosts, bind.
> But when i do the engine-set-up i obtain this:
> srv-santos.cg33.fr did not resolve into an IP address
> User input failed validation, do you still wish to use it? (yes|no):

This seems ok since it uses nslookup for searching the ip address and it
doesn't find the hostname on DNS.

> If i say yes, the install pursue, but it fails:
> "Error: There's a problem with JBoss service.Check that it's up and rerun 
> setup.
> Please check log file 
> /var/log/ovirt-engine/engine-setup_2013_03_06_09_52_24.log
> for more information"
> The last lines of the log
>  -->File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/scripts/plugins/all_in_one_100.py", line 
> 216,
> in waitForJbossUp
>     utils.retry(isHealthPageUp, tries=45, timeout=350, sleep=5)
>   File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/scripts/common_utils.py", line 929, in retry
>     return func()
>   File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/scripts/plugins/all_in_one_100.py", line 429, 
> in
> isHealthPageUp
>     raise Exception(ERROR_JBOSS_STATUS)
> Exception: Error: There's a problem with JBoss service.Check that it's up and
> rerun setup. <--
> I even started jboss-as during one of my many tries:
> [root@srv-santos fred]# service jboss-as status
> jboss-as is running (pid 22043)
> So I think that the setup process can't resolve the name of the host to test 
> if
> jboss is up and the servlet ok.
> This possibly means that the name resolution is only done with DNS, without
> checking the hostfile.

I'm using ovirt-3.2 on Fedora 18 and I can't reproduce the JBoss issue
using only /etc/hosts without DNS.
I don't think it's related to name resolution.
AIO uses urllib2 for checking the Healt Page and it should work also if
you're using /etc/hosts only.
It seems that ovirt-engine service is not started.

Please run engine-cleanup, engine-setup and check ovirt-engine status if
it fails again.
If it fails, can you please attach your logs?

> Can someone help me to solve this problem (without seting up a local bind 
> server
> on my host  or registrering my test server in our DNS servers of course:-)

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