Minutes: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-03-06-15.00.html Minutes (text): http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-03-06-15.00.txt Log: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-03-06-15.00.log.html

*** Additional information included below that came in after the meeting. See lines that start with ***

#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Meeting

Meeting started by mburns at 15:00:24 UTC. The full logs are available
at http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-03-06-15.00.log.html

Meeting summary
* agenda and roll call  (mburns, 15:00:42)
  * Agenda  (mburns, 15:00:46)
  * * Release Planning and Updates  (mburns, 15:00:57)
  * * Conferences and Workshops  (mburns, 15:01:06)
  * * Sub-project Reports  (mburns, 15:01:24)

* Release Planning  (mburns, 15:03:44)
  * release management wiki page is up for 3.3  (mburns, 15:04:15)
  * LINK: http://wiki.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.3_release-management   (mburns,
  * mburns has sent a request for feature pages and project contacts for
    3.3  (mburns, 15:06:06)
  * no responses yet (but that's because I just sent it this morning)
    (mburns, 15:06:31)
  * mburns also sent out email about overall project management process
    going forward to arch@ and board@  (mburns, 15:07:05)
  * dneary and mgoldboi have also been working on the overall release
    process, material will be sent to arch and board in response to
    mburns email  (mburns, 15:08:48)
  * Please get feature pages created in the wiki ASAP and link them to
    the release management page  (mburns, 15:09:38)

* oVirt 3.2  Updates  (mburns, 15:11:36)
  * ovirt-node pushed live last thursday including vdsm and fix for a
    security issue  (mburns, 15:11:55)
  * patches for el6 builds are included in engine master and proposed on
    engine-3.2 branch  (mburns, 15:12:29)
  * currently in testing by jhernand and oschreib_  (mburns, 15:12:58)
  * beta of el6 packages and ga of f18 packages for engine 3.2.1
    available next week  (mburns, 15:14:45)
  * YamaKasY to work with oschreib_ on getting a list of issues in 3.2
    that should be fixed in an async release  (mburns, 15:24:01)
  * mburns to try to get on top of el6 vdsm builds this week  (mburns,

* workshops and conferences  (mburns, 15:28:15)
  * LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/Intel_Workshop_May_2013   (theron,
  * moving forward with the oVirt workshop in Shangha  (mburns,
  * orking though logistics directly with Intel, and we've published the
    CFP to the oVirt website, as well as the mailing lists  (mburns,
  * LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/Intel_Workshop_May_2013   (mburns,
  * we're actively looking for speakers now, if anyone can think of
    different avenues, feel free to let theron  know  (mburns, 15:31:12)
  * Attendees here thinking about attending should get visas in order
    ASAP  (mburns, 15:32:49)
  * early in planning, but we are prepping for 3 tracks.  (mburns,
  * IDEA: focus on dev, user, and integration tracks.. thinking space
    for showcasing oVirt integration with Gluster  (mburns, 15:33:12)
  * itamar and the intel GM have been asked to do keynotes, more info to
    follow on this  (mburns, 15:33:54)
  * The oVirt marketing group (once finalized who's in it) will be
    reaching out to OVA to help with promotions  (mburns, 15:35:49)
  * lodging and additional logistics are being worked, expect updates on
    the oVirt website as they materialize  (mburns, 15:35:58)

* Sub-Project Report -- infra  (mburns, 15:43:44)
  * jenkins has migrated to a new host at AlterWay  (mburns, 15:45:51)
  * things appear stable with the new jenkins master  (mburns, 15:46:21)
  *** working on the rackspace boxes.  Going to be oVirt on F18 to get
      nested virtualization.  Will run RHEL in VMs on top.
  *** other info in the minutes
*** LINK: http://resources.ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-03-04-15.03.html

* Other Topics  (mburns, 15:47:58)

Meeting ended at 15:52:30 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* mburns (86)
* theron (21)
* oschreib_ (17)
* YamaKasY (15)
* dneary (10)
* ovirtbot (5)
* tfeldman (3)
* mgoldboi (3)
* doron_ (1)
* lh (1)
* dustins (1)
* quaid (0)
* ewoud (0)

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