On 03/06/2013 10:29 PM, Rob Zwissler wrote:
On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 12:34 AM, Shireesh Anjal <san...@redhat.com> wrote:
oVirt 3.2 needs a newer (3.4.0) version of glusterfs, which is currently in
alpha and hence not available in stable repositories.

This issue has been reported multiple times now, and I think it needs an
update to the oVirt 3.2 release notes. Have added a note to this effect at:

On one hand I like oVirt, I think you guys have done a good job with
this, and it is free software so I don't want to complain.

But on the other hand, if you release a major/stable release (ie:
oVirt 3.2), but it relies on a major/critical component (clustering
filesystem server) that is in alpha, not even beta, but alpha
prerelease form, you really should be up front and communicative about
this.  My searches turned up nothing except an offhand statement from
a GlusterFS developer, nothing from the oVirt team until now.

It is not acceptable to expect people to run something as critical as
a cluster filesystem server in alpha form on anything short of a
development test setup.  Are any other components of oVirt 3.2
dependent on non-stable general release packages?

What is the latest release of oVirt considered to be stable and
considered safe for use on production systems?

Hi Rob,

Your points are completely valid, and it's my fault (and not the oVirt release team's) not mentioning this important information when providing details of gluster related features to be included in the oVirt 3.2 release notes. Genuine apologies for the same.

Having said this, I believe the stable release of glusterfs 3.4.0 should be coming out very soon (some time this month if I'm correct), which will provide some relief.



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