That is right : "The bigger problem of course is that oVirt-3.2.1 requires 
which isn't in the standard repos at the moment. " 

I want to use gluster, because, in my understanding, glusterfs allow me to 
share a storage (2 or more) between 2 or more hosts, like a virtual disk, and 
this is essential for live migration or HA. 
I get from the gluster site, related to Gluster 3.4 alpha and QEMU 1.4.0 : "... 
new QEMU/GlusterFS native integration leveraging libgfapi. For those of you 
wondering what that means, in short, there’s no need for FUSE anymore and QEMU 
leverages GlusterFS natively on the back end. Awesome." 

This could be an advantage? It's not only required to manage gluster clusters, 
but as a better integration. 
Let me know if I wrote something wrong. 

Now things seems to be working, what I did was create a file in the host: 

because of the self signed I get some errors, so I did: 

yum install --nogpgcheck glusterfs* 
yum install --nogpgcheck glusterfs-server* 
yum install --nogpgcheck glusterfs-rdma* 

And that's it everything works. 

The installation should be more nicely 


----- Mensagem original -----

De: "Sahina Bose" <> 
Para: "Dave Neary" <> 
Enviadas: Terça-feira, 19 de Março de 2013 9:24:23 
Assunto: Re: [Users] Package installation error 

You are right - Gluster 3.4 is only required to manage gluster clusters. 

Currently the question asked at setup is this : 

"The engine can be configured to present the UI in three different 
application modes. virt [Manage virtualization only], gluster [Manage 
gluster storage only], 
and both [Manage virtualization as well as gluster storage]" where both 
is the default. 

If this is confusing to the user, we can change this message. Suggestions? 

On 03/19/2013 01:41 PM, Dave Neary wrote: 
> Hi, 
> On 03/19/2013 08:16 AM, Alon Bar-Lev wrote: 
>> Now I am confused.... 
>> Do you or don't you need vdsm-gluster on your system? 
> Allow me to clarify. 
> There have been several messages from users since the oVirt 3.2 
> release asking why they need Gluster 3.4 pre-releases to run oVirt. 
> My understanding is that you don't need Gluster 3.4 unless you want to 
> manage a Gluster cluster with oVirt. 
> So my question is: are we sure that we are not leading users wrong, 
> and confusing them during the installation & set-up process? 
> Thanks, 
> Dave. 

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