On 06/25/2013 11:58 AM, Itamar Heim wrote:
> On 06/25/2013 07:54 AM, Deepthi Dharwar wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using the ovirt-python-sdk to figure out if the host is idle or
>> not. The way to determine if the host is idle at a given instant is
>> finding out the number of VMs running on it. If the number of VMs = 0
>> implies host is idle.
> adding michael for the rest of the question, but please note to check
> for SPM role of a host before assuming it is idle.

Yes, that is essential. Thanks for pointing it out.

> also, may i ask what you are trying to accomplish (it sounds like a
> power saving policy)?

Yes, I was looking to tweak the power saving policy to switch off
hosts that have no VMs running on them. Looks like doing it within the
ovirt-engine is better option than through scripts and SDK.

>> I was exploring the python sdk to figure out Host-VMs mapping i.e What
>> are the VMs running on the different host.
>> Looks like the only way to find this, is to query each VM in /api/vms
>> list to get the host on which it is running.
>> Is this the right way ? Is there no direct query or REST API to list
>> the VMs running on a given host at that instant.
>> I was looking to get the data center hierarchy structure.
>> Number_of_datacenters
>>        |
>>        V
>> clusters in each data center
>>        |
>>        V
>> Hosts in each cluster
>>        |
>>        V
>>   VMs on each host.
>> This kind of mapping as seen on the GUI. Is there any way to obtain
>> the same from the ovirt-python-sdk ?
>> With this information, this would help me write scripts to turn-off my
>> hosts if idle automatically and power them on as required.
>> Regards,
>> Deepthi
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