----- Original Message -----
| From: "Udayendu Kar" <u...@redhat.com>
| To: users@ovirt.org
| Cc: "Raghavendra Pai" <r...@redhat.com>
| Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2013 6:57:43 PM
| Subject: [Users] tech talk on KVM and oVirt !!
| Hi All,
| Recently I got an golden opportunity to promote KVM and oVirt in an
| Engineering College. Here I took few talks and hands-on for the pre-final
| year and final year students based on KVM and oVirt. The whole event is
| documented here with few pics from the event.
| http://udayendu.livejournal.com/671.html
| After the presentation and hands-on, I have configured a test DC on oVirt for
| the use of the college [Comp.Sc & Engg dept.] and I believe this will help
| us to get some more contributors and uses in future.
| I am very happy to share this with you all. Feel free to share your thoughts
| and suggestions if any.
| Thanks !
| Best Regards,
| Udayendu Kar

Hi Udayendu,
looks impressive.

I'm wondering on the feedbacks you got about the technology
and implementation. Anything you can share with us?
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