> What versions of qemu and glusterfs are you using?

yum info qemu-kvm.x86_64
Name        : qemu-kvm
Arch        : x86_64
Epoch       : 2
Version     :
Release     : 2.355.0.1.el6.centos.7

yum info glusterfs
Name        : qemu-kvm
Arch        : x86_64
Epoch       : 2
Version     :
Release     : 2.355.0.1.el6.centos.7

I'm screwing the format of this mail up... Did I mention that I'm also new to mailing lists? :>

And oooooh. I think I did ignore this:

" Warning: Native GlusterFS support will not work with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4 at this time"

Anyway, before we venture any further, here is a quick explanation what I did on 2 servers who have the same configuration:

creating software raid on 2x160GB SATA HDDs
one 10GB LV
one 134GB LV (formatted in xfs)
used both 134GB LVs for glusterfs replication

Is there anything fundamentally wrong with this configuration? I know it's not ideal and not good for performance, but in the end it only serve for a small SIP gate and some firewall.



On 23.09.2013 17:28, Vijay Bellur wrote:
On 09/23/2013 08:08 PM, David Riedl wrote:
Hello everyone,
I recently created my first ovirt/vdms/gluster cluster. I did everything
as it is described in the ovirt and glusterfs quick start.
The glusterfs Domain is recognized in the UI and is also mounted in the
system. Everything looks fine to me. I can even create VMs.
But when I try to start them, the VM is stuck and doesn't start up and I
don't get any error message (in the WebUI) either.
I can delete the VM, but not the disk.

OS Version:
RHEL - 6 - 4.el6.centos.10
Kernel Version:
2.6.32 - 358.18.1.el6.x86_64
KVM Version: - 2.355.0.1.el6.centos.7
LIBVIRT Version:
VDSM Version:
SPICE Version:
0.12.0 - 12.el6_4.3

What versions of qemu and glusterfs are you using?

Oh and which log files do you need?



PS: Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask such things/problems. I'm
pretty new to oVirt. :)

This certainly is the right place to ask for all queries related to oVirt :)

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