> > Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 13:28:26 +0100
> > From: dan...@redhat.com
> > To: cybertimber2...@hotmail.com
> > CC: jbro...@redhat.com; masa...@redhat.com; alo...@redhat.com; 
> > users@ovirt.org
> > Subject: Re: [Users] Unable to finish AIO 3.3.0 - VDSM
> > 
> <snipped>
> > 
> > Here, Vdsm is trying to configure em1 with no ip address (because it
> > found no ifcfg-em1 to begin with). But then, it fails to do so since
> > NetworkManager is still running.
> > 
> > So if possible, make sure ifcfg-em1 exists (and has the correct
> > BOOTPROT=dhcp in it) and the NetworkManager is off before initiating
> > installation. That's annoying, I know. It should be fix, for sure. But
> > currently it is a must.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Dan.
> Hopefully I didn't miss any other comments in that log snippet of log file 
> ^^;; It's good to know why it keeps failing. I'm just trying to figure > out 
> how to move forward from here, and I'll take a crack at it this evening.
> I thought that NetworkManager only needs to be disabled if you are using a 
> static IP? I did try disabling NM before I realized it said only > > for 
> static and had a failure, but probably because of the interface/ifcfg issue. 
> I will try again this evening.
> I'll try to jump into IRC by 5pm EDT if you happen to be around.
I did a mv /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp4sp 
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-em1, and then edited the file to say 
NAME="em1" instead of NAME="enp4s0", even though ifconfig showed the "em1" 
interface already*. Rebooted and logged into the webadmin, reinstalled the VDSM 
host and unchecked "configure firewall", and VDSM came up.
 *It turns out that these interfaces (e.g. enp4s0) are called "aliases", so 
enp4s0 is em1 and apparently Fedora 19 is using it in some (but not all) 
instances. Not sure what triggers it, but either creating the proper ifcfg 
file, or moving/editing it to the correct interface name will help get things 
running. Thanks everyone! - Nick                                    
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