Dne 5.12.2013 18:34, Itamar Heim napsal(a):
On 12/05/2013 06:13 PM, Jakub Bittner wrote:
Dne 5.12.2013 17:00, Sander Grendelman napsal(a):
https://<your engine host>/api/events
Great, I did not know about this page, it is better(formated) source
than logs, but it still has the same issue. I can get info about what
happened, but not exact info about what was done.

just btw, this is the "events" log from the webadmin.
it covers actions done by users, not content of the edit operation (something piotr started looking into).

with the move of the gui to work over the rest api, maybe just auditing the api payload for these actions would be good enough?

<event href="/api/events/5341" id="5341">
<description>Interface nic1 (VirtIO) was updated for VM
server1.test.org.   (User: user1)</description>
<user href="/api/users/6d8fd48a-1072-11e3-b3ea-001a4ag8039d"
<vm href="/api/vms/cc821292-80c0-4b85-a912-0b8a969c22c9"
<cluster href="/api/clusters/99408929-78cf-4dc7-a532-9d998063fa95"

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If I can have an suggestion, we discus audit log and for our siem it would be great format like:

user: user1 action: powered off vm: VM1.test.com host: ovirt.test.com

user: user1 action: logged in

user: user1 action: initiated console session VM: VM5.test.com

user: user1 action: changed network interface detail: secure_vlan to insecure_vlan on vnic1 vm: testserver.test.com
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