On 12/23/2013 10:07 AM, Sander Grendelman wrote:
On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 4:56 PM, Blaster <blas...@556nato.com <mailto:blas...@556nato.com>> wrote:

    My NFS server is Solaris 11.1, ZFS storage.

I'm a bit confused now, is the NFS server linux or Solaris?  ZFS or BTRFS?

ISOs are on a Solaris 11.1 NFS server.

    If I copy the ISO directly to the directory it works fine.   What
    am I missing?

Maybe selinux labeling?


What happens if you (temporarily!) set selinux to permissive with "setenforce 0"?

That fixed it....What's going on? I can su - vdsm and do an md5sum on all the ISOs. Why can't they be accessed via ovirt?

I have a local datastore on the same volume in another directory tree that's working just fine.

Why is selinux allowing local access, but not NFS via symlink? getsebool shows virt_use_nfs --> on. What other label do I need?

Thanks for the help!

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