[20:42] <sonicrose> is anybody out there using a good RAM+SSD caching system 
ahead of gluster storage?
[20:42] <sonicrose> sorry if that came through twice
[20:44] <sonicrose> im thinking about making the SSD one giant swap file then 
creating a very large ramdisk in virtual memory and using that as a block level 
cache for parts and pieces of virtual machine disk images
[20:44] <sonicrose> then i think the memory managers would inherently play the 
role of storage tiering ie: keeping the hottest data in memory and the coldest 
data on swap
[20:45] <sonicrose> everything i have seen today has been setup as   "consumer" 
 ===>  network ====> SSD cache ====> real disks
[20:45] <sonicrose> but i'd like to actually do "consumer" ===> RAM+SSD cache 
===>  network ===> real disks
[20:46] <sonicrose> i realize doing a virtual memory disk means the cache will 
be cleared on every reboot, and I'm ok with that
[20:47] <sonicrose> i know this can be done with NFS and cachefilesd(fscache), 
but how could something be integrated into the native gluster clients?
[20:47] <sonicrose> i'd prefer not to have to access gluster via NFS
[20:49] <sonicrose> any feedback from this room is greatly appreciated, getting 
someone started to build managed HA cloud hosting
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