On 10/01/14 11:13, Lior Vernia wrote:
> On 10/01/14 11:53, Juan Pablo Lorier wrote:
>> Hi Lior,
>> I'll try to elaborate between lines:
>> On 09/01/14 18:31, Lior Vernia wrote:
>>> Hi Juan,
>>> I'm not sure I understand a couple of things, could you elaborate?
>>> 0. What version engine are you running?
>> 3.3.1 when the problem appeared, but now I moved to 3.3.2
>>> 1. "Out of the blue" - no trigger that you can think of, that would help
>>> retrace the cause?
>> The only thing I can think of was a reboot (clean) of the engine VM (not
>> self hosted, just a vbox VM). After the problem appeared, I started
>> making many changes and tests so I can't recreate the exact scenario at
>> this time.
> Okay, currently nothing springs to mind as to what may have caused this,
> I'll try to think on it some more.
>>> 2. From your other e-mail, I understand that somehow the management
>>> network lost its VLAN tagging, and that it shows as out-of-sync in the
>>> Setup Host Networks dialog. Correct?
>> Yes. Also other LN where out of sync, but the hosts had differences in
>> which LN went out of sync. All of them have ovirtmgmt out of sync.
>>> 3. Do I understand correctly that even though it's marked as
>>> out-of-sync, you don't see the "synchronize" checkbox when editing the
>>> network on the host (little pencil icon)?
>> It doesn't. I made some tests and I found that it's a problem with
>> firefox (mine is version 26 over Fedora 19). It's showing things a
>> little bit bigger than chrome and so the sync option is not shown in the
>> edit window. Other functions also are not working properly, for
>> instance, if I choose a particular item into a category (host, vm, etc)
>> in the left tree, the right frame does not change, I have to choose the
>> group (hosts, vms, etc) and choose the particular item among all the
>> listed in the right frame. I've checked and firefox 22 on windows has
>> the same behavior. This started to happen after I upgraded from 3.3.0 to
>> 3.3.1 but never saw the lack of the sync option until now.
> My machine currently isn't in a state to test these things on different
> versions of Firefox. If you can pin-point exactly on what versions this
> occurs, I would greatly appreciate it if you could open a bug about it
> in bugzilla.redhat.com and I'll try to get it fixed.
> It does sound that it's only a graphical issue that's causing the
> checkbox to be hidden. So as an immediate workaround, you could use
> either the Firefox web developer tools or the Firebug plugin to enlarge
> the dialog and panels enough so that the checkbox shows, then mark it
> and have the networks synchronized. Please let me know if that works for
> you.

I'll open a bug then. The versions I tested were on the last mail, I'll
put that in the bug also.
My work arround was simpler, just did it with chrome :-)
Anyway, this fix only the sync stuff, not the need of modifying the
ovirtmgmt to be again a tagged network. Is there a hack to the db or
something like that I can do to set this back without destroing the hole
DC (which I can't do either because of a dead lock with the flow of
dependencies in ovirt and opened a BZ for that).

>>> Yours, Lior.
>>> On 09/01/14 17:44, Juan Pablo Lorier wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Out of the blue some of the hosts got some LNs out of sync (not the same
>>>> in all of them). If I try to resync the LN, it does not show a resync
>>>> option, so I took one host and detached the lns and reconfigured them.
>>>> After that, ovirtmgmt is not created correctly, it does not create the
>>>> vlan interface on top of the bond and also, it's adding the bond to the
>>>> bridge instead of the vlan interface.
>>>> I got it partially running but it's still non operational as the engine
>>>> complains the host can't mount the gluster domain (it can reach the
>>>> network of the other brick):
>>>> [root@ovirt4 network-scripts]# gluster volume status
>>>> Status of volume: glusterfs
>>>> Gluster process                        Port    Online    Pid
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Brick                49154    Y    13288
>>>> Brick                49154    Y    5961
>>>> NFS Server on localhost                    2049    Y    4557
>>>> Self-heal Daemon on localhost                N/A    Y    4558
>>>> NFS Server on                2049    Y    15815
>>>> Self-heal Daemon on            N/A    Y    15819
>>>> I'm not synchronizing any other host just in case this happens to the
>>>> other host too.
>>>> Regards,
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