On Thu, Jan 09, 2014 at 09:49:25PM -0500, Madhav V Diwan wrote:
> Hello everybody! I seem to be having a problem similar to 
> the posting from 
> " importing VM from ESXI "
> posted by 
> emi...@gmail.com
> on    25.09.2013 21:10 UTC
> " I'm not being able to import a VM from ESXI:"  
> In my case i have a bit more of a trace on the permission issue  but not
> much more
> > virt-v2v: Transferring storage volume razDC_razDC: 107374182400 bytes
> > libguestfs: trace: set_verbose true
> > libguestfs: trace: set_verbose = 0
> > libguestfs: create: flags = 0, handle = 0x4725420, program = perl
> > libguestfs: trace: set_attach_method "appliance"
> > libguestfs: trace: set_backend "appliance"
> > libguestfs: trace: set_backend = 0
> > libguestfs: trace: set_attach_method = 0
> > libguestfs: trace: add_drive 
> > "/tmp/a7SyYhkkeX/8eff2927-3bff-4b15-bdd0-8c4e0f40652d/v2v.z_Lv0fTf/81388ffb-6aed-4ae4-bed8-6b1999e78907/2cc85d68-d343-4961-9a28-58e4c695d78f"
> >  "format:raw" "iface:ide" "name:sda"
> > libguestfs: trace: add_drive = -1 (error)
> > /tmp/a7SyYhkkeX/8eff2927-3bff-4b15-bdd0-8c4e0f40652d/v2v.z_Lv0fTf/81388ffb-6aed-4ae4-bed8-6b1999e78907/2cc85d68-d343-4961-9a28-58e4c695d78f:
> >  Permission denied at /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/Sys/Guestfs.pm line 670.
> > libguestfs: trace: close
> > libguestfs: closing guestfs handle 0x4725420 (state 0)
> Has this issue been solved ? if so how  as i do not see the resolution
> on the archives.  Else  would you all help me resolve it please?
>  It is very annoying to have a hundred gig disk copied over to your NFS
> export and then deleted because qemu or libguestfs has a permissions
> issue in opening it.
>  this is an issue with Ovirt Version 3.3.2-1.fc19 
> virt-v2v version is 
> virt-v2v --version
> 0.9.0
> and libguestfs version and qemu version are :
> libguestfs-1.22.7-4.fc19.x86_64
> QEMU emulator version 1.4.2

Are you running virt-v2v as root?  If so my guess is that it's this
libvirt bug:


The easiest thing is to disable libvirt by doing:

  sudo bash
  export LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct
  virt-v2v [..etc..]


Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat http://people.redhat.com/~rjones
Read my programming blog: http://rwmj.wordpress.com
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