On 10/01/14 18:53, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 12:48:43PM -0500, Madhav V Diwan wrote:
>> Sorry richard 
>> seems that it failed even when i tried to set that variable
>> Maybe i set up the command incorrectly?
>> here is what i ran
>> [root@server3 ~]# cat convrtesxhost.sh
>> #!/bin/bash
>> export LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct
>> virt-v2v -ic esx://ESX.decllc.biz/?no_verify=1 -o rhev -os
>> server3.decllc.biz:/localstorage/nfs --network ovirtmgmt razDC  2>&1 |
>> tee /var/log/virt-v2v.log 
> It looks like this is correctly setting the environment variable:
>> [root@server3 ~]# ./convrtesxhost.sh 
>> virt-v2v: Transferring storage volume razDC_razDC: 107374182400 bytes
>> libguestfs: trace: set_verbose true
>> libguestfs: trace: set_verbose = 0
>> libguestfs: trace: set_backend "direct"
>> libguestfs: trace: set_backend = 0
> ^ see that it's set correctly here.
> [...]
>> libguestfs: trace: add_drive
>> "/tmp/dgsXFuqz0X/8eff2927-3bff-4b15-bdd0-8c4e0f40652d/v2v.nCJ17ysL/e1660d18-b67b-4002-9835-10c654e7ee0e/a7afe4c5-ece8-4022-a8ec-964984a8db17"
>>  "format:raw" "iface:ide" "name:sda"
>> libguestfs: trace: add_drive = -1 (error)
>> /tmp/dgsXFuqz0X/8eff2927-3bff-4b15-bdd0-8c4e0f40652d/v2v.nCJ17ysL/e1660d18-b67b-4002-9835-10c654e7ee0e/a7afe4c5-ece8-4022-a8ec-964984a8db17:
>>  Permission denied at /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/Sys/Guestfs.pm line 670.

/tmp is a red herring here. virt-v2v creates a temporary mount point for
the export storage domain in /tmp, and then writes to it directly.
Specifically, in this case /tmp/dgsXFuqz0X is a temporary mount point.
virt-v2v doesn't require any significant temporary storage in this case

I still think that the problem is likely to be nfs permissions. Could
you please try the following, as root, on the virt-v2v box:

Prep: If none already exists, create user with uid:gid = 36:36.

# mkdir /tmp/ovirt-mount
# mount <ovirt-server:/path/to/export> /tmp/ovirt-mount
# su - <36 user>
$ cd /tmp/ovirt-mount/8eff2927-3bff-4b15-bdd0-8c4e0f40652d
$ ls
$ touch foo
$ rm foo

Tidy up by deleting your temporary user and group if you created one.

Do you hit any errors doing the above?

Matthew Booth, RHCA, RHCSS
Red Hat Engineering, Virtualisation Team

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