
I am a little confused by the quick start guide. It lists a command to upload 
the ISO image:

engine-iso-uploader upload -i local-iso-share [file1] [file2] .... [fileN]

My questions are:

1. Do I have to copy the files (ISO images) from somewhere else to the engine 
machine before using this cmd? If image files are on a different server, what's 
the right syntax to upload them?

2. Is "local-iso-share" the name of the ISO domain? For example, should I use 
"ISO_DOMAIN" if I have the following:

ISO Storage Domain Name   | Datacenter                | ISO Domain Status
ISO_DOMAIN                | DC-CPA3                   | active

3. If I don't use engine-iso-uploader command, instead I prefer to uploading 
the image myself. What is the right directory for me to put my images in? Is it 
/var/lib/exports/iso on the machine running the ovirt engine? 


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