On 17-1-2014 1:58, David Li wrote:
Well, it didn't even have any traces to tell me if it's installed. I am 
supposed to see these according to the instruction but none of them showed up.

        * IE will prompt you with "This website wants to install the following add-on 
SpiceX.cab... proceed by clicking the arrow on the install button and choose "Install for 
All Users of this computer".
        * Depending on the version of IE a UAC dialog may pop up asking you if you want 
to allow "SpiceX.cab" If it does not Click on the install spice button again 
and it will.
        * In the UAC dialog click on the yes button.
        * The install will now proceed in the background.

I am using W7 64bit with IE11. My engine is running on a RHEL6 machine.

Assuming you're using oVirt-3.3.2 which provides .vv files you need to install remote-viewer. Download and install https://fedorahosted.org/released/virt-viewer/virt-viewer-x64-0.5.6.msi and when you're asked what todo with the .vv file browse to where you have virt-viewer installed and choose remote-viewer as the handler of .vv files.
It will handle spice and vnc console.


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