On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 5:55 PM, Yaniv Dary wrote:

> I think a this point it is safe to install.
>> If I can go, can I use
>> https://access.redhat.com/site/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Virtualization/3.3-Beta/html/Installation_Guide/Installing_and_Configuring_the_History_Database.html
>> as a workflow input?
>> (with changes where needed, as rhevm-dwh --> ovirt-engine-dwh)
> You can try it, but not sure everything will be applicable.
>> Let me know so that I can try
>> Gianluca

dwh part went ok and ovirt_engine_history db was created.

The reports part got error

# ovirt-engine-reports-setup
Welcome to ovirt-engine-reports setup utility
In order to proceed the installer must stop the ovirt-engine service
Would you like to stop the ovirt-engine service (yes|no): yes
Stopping ovirt-engine...                              [ DONE ]
Editing XML files...                                  [ DONE ]
Setting DB connectivity...                            [ DONE ]
Please choose a password for the reports admin user(s) (ovirt-admin):
Warning: Weak Password.
Retype password:
Warning: Weak Password.
Deploying Server...                                   [ DONE ]
Updating Redirect Servlet...                          [ DONE ]
Importing reports...                                  [ DONE ]
Customizing Server...                                 [ DONE ]
global name 'preserveReportsJobs' is not defined
Error encountered while installing ovirt-engine-reports, please
consult the log file:

It seems the main point in log file, as in standard output is this:

2014-01-17 11:22:22::ERROR::ovirt-engine-reports-setup::1196::root::
Failed to complete the setup of the reports package!
2014-01-17 11:22:22::DEBUG::ovirt-engine-reports-setup::1197::root::
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/bin/ovirt-engine-reports-setup", line 1163, in main
    if preserveReportsJobs:
NameError: global name 'preserveReportsJobs' is not defined

Let me know if you need full logs or if this is sufficient to debug
code and propose a solution to try then again.

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