On 22/01/14 21:31, Dan Kenigsberg wrote:
On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 01:57:35PM -0300, Federico Alberto Sayd wrote:
On 22/01/14 12:13, Dan Kenigsberg wrote:
On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 07:43:52AM +0000, Karli Sjöberg wrote:
On Tue, 2014-01-21 at 21:22 -0300, Federico Sayd wrote:

I am having problems with bonding

I have installed Centos 6.5 in order to use it as host. I configured
eth0 with the vlan of the management network (Vlan 70). Then I
registered the host to the engine (3.3.2-1-el6) and the engine
installed oVirt in the host without problem.  Ovirtmgmt was created
automatically and bridged with eth0.70.

Now I need to bond a second network interface (eth1) with eth0. But
when I try to bond the nics, I get the next error:

"A slave interface is not properly configured. Please verify slaves do
not contain any of the following properties: network name, boot
protocol, IP address, netmask, gateway or vlan-ID notation (as part of
interface's name or explicitly)"
Federico, where exactly do you get this error? Would you attach the
setupNetwork log from supervdsmd.log?
I get the error in the setup-network dialog in ovirt-engine.

Today I solved the issue copying the network config of other host
(same hardware), and it worked.

The supervdsm.log whith the lines logged yesterday:


It would be nice if the error could be more explicit, i.e. telling
the ifcfg-* that are conflictive.
I do not understand the error yet... I believe that in the text you have
quoted, Engine complains that an interface has not joined a bond. But
Engine's command to Vdsm

13:13:21,166::supervdsmServer::95::SuperVdsm.ServerCallback::(wrapper) call 
setupNetworks with ({'ovirtmgmt': {'nic': 'eth0', 'vlan': '70', 'ipaddr': 
'', 'netmask': '', 'STP': 'no', 'bridged': 'true'}}, 
{}, {'connectivityCheck': 'true', 'connectivityTimeout': 120}

contains no reference to a bond device, and seems to have succeeded.

One notable problem is that the network definitions lack a 'gateway'
parameter, which is very important for ovirtmgmt.

Would you share your vdsm.log, too? The output of getCapabilities before
and after setupNetworks may shed some light on the circumstances.


Exactly , Engine doesn't want to create the bond because the configuration of a nic have "unacceptable" parameters.

But, specifically what parameters? Which interface? Could the error be more explicit?

Engine complains about the contents of ifcfg-* or actual network config? or both? In any case I restarted network service after edit ifcfg-* files.

I got the error when I tried to bond the interfaces. The ovirtmgmt was created by oVirt and bridged to eth0.70 when the host was installed via oVirt Engine. After, I tried to bond the two interfaces: eth0, (with ovirtmgmt attached to it) and eth1 (without config), then the gui showed the error about ifcfg-* parameters.

I guess that the text that you quoted corresponds to the creation of ovirmgmnt network at install time. I don't find in supervdsm.log any references to the bond creation.

vdsm.log: http://pastebin.com/AGSMBnkN

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