On Wed, 2014-01-29 at 11:30 +0200, Ronen Hod wrote:
> Adding the virtio-scsi developers.
> Anyhow, virtio-scsi is newer and less established than viostor (the
> block device), so you might want to try it out.

Was it "SCSI Controller" or "SCSI pass-through controller"?
If it's "SCSI Controller" then it will be viostor (virtio-blk) device

> A disclaimer: There are time and patches gaps between RHEL and other
> versions.
> Ronen.
> On 01/28/2014 10:39 PM, Steve Dainard wrote:
> > I've had a bit of luck here. 
> > 
> > 
> > Overall IO performance is very poor during Windows updates, but a
> > contributing factor seems to be the "SCSI Controller" device in the
> > guest. This last install I didn't install a driver for that device,

Does it mean that your system disk is IDE and the data disk (virtio-blk)
is not accessible? 

> >  and my performance is much better. Updates still chug along quite
> > slowly, but I seem to have more than the < 100KB/s write speeds I
> > was seeing previously.
> > 
> > 
> > Does anyone know what this device is for? I have the "Red Hat VirtIO
> > SCSI Controller" listed under storage controllers.

It's a virtio-blk device. OS cannot see this volume unless you have
viostor.sys driver installed on it.

> > 
> > Steve Dainard 
> > IT Infrastructure Manager
> > Miovision | Rethink Traffic
> > 519-513-2407 ex.250
> > 877-646-8476 (toll-free)
> > 
> > Blog  |  LinkedIn  |  Twitter  |  Facebook 
> > ____________________________________________________________________
> > Miovision Technologies Inc. | 148 Manitou Drive, Suite 101,
> > Kitchener, ON, Canada | N2C 1L3
> > This e-mail may contain information that is privileged or
> > confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete
> > the e-mail and any attachments and notify us immediately.
> > 
> > 
> > On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 2:33 AM, Itamar Heim <ih...@redhat.com>
> > wrote:
> >         On 01/26/2014 02:37 AM, Steve Dainard wrote:
> >         
> >                 Thanks for the responses everyone, really appreciate
> >                 it.
> >                 
> >                 I've condensed the other questions into this reply.
> >                 
> >                 
> >                     Steve,
> >                     What is the CPU load of the GlusterFS host when
> >                 comparing the raw
> >                     brick test to the gluster mount point test? Give
> >                 it 30 seconds and
> >                     see what top reports. You’ll probably have to
> >                 significantly increase
> >                     the count on the test so that it runs that long.
> >                 
> >                     - Nick
> >                 
> >                 
> >                 
> >                 Gluster mount point:
> >                 
> >                 *4K* on GLUSTER host
> >                 [root@gluster1 rep2]# dd if=/dev/zero
> >                 of=/mnt/rep2/test1 bs=4k count=500000
> >                 500000+0 records in
> >                 500000+0 records out
> >                 
> >                 2048000000 <tel:2048000000> bytes (2.0 GB) copied,
> >                 100.076 s, 20.5 MB/s 
> >                 
> >                 
> >                 Top reported this right away:
> >                 PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM
> >                  TIME+  COMMAND
> >                   1826 root      20   0  294m  33m 2540 S 27.2  0.4
> >                 0:04.31 glusterfs
> >                   2126 root      20   0 1391m  31m 2336 S 22.6  0.4
> >                  11:25.48 glusterfsd
> >                 
> >                 Then at about 20+ seconds top reports this:
> >                    PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM
> >                    TIME+  COMMAND
> >                   1826 root      20   0  294m  35m 2660 R 141.7  0.5
> >                 1:14.94 glusterfs
> >                   2126 root      20   0 1392m  31m 2344 S 33.7  0.4
> >                  11:46.56 glusterfsd
> >                 
> >                 *4K* Directly on the brick:
> >                 dd if=/dev/zero of=test1 bs=4k count=500000
> >                 500000+0 records in
> >                 500000+0 records out
> >                 
> >                 2048000000 <tel:2048000000> bytes (2.0 GB) copied,
> >                 4.99367 s, 410 MB/s 
> >                 
> >                 
> >                   7750 root      20   0  102m  648  544 R 50.3  0.0
> >                 0:01.52 dd
> >                   7719 root      20   0     0    0    0 D  1.0  0.0
> >                 0:01.50 flush-253:2
> >                 
> >                 Same test, gluster mount point on OVIRT host:
> >                 dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/rep2/test1 bs=4k
> >                 count=500000
> >                 500000+0 records in
> >                 500000+0 records out
> >                 
> >                 2048000000 <tel:2048000000> bytes (2.0 GB) copied,
> >                 42.4518 s, 48.2 MB/s 
> >                 
> >                 
> >                    PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM
> >                    TIME+  COMMAND
> >                   2126 root      20   0 1396m  31m 2360 S 40.5  0.4
> >                  13:28.89 glusterfsd
> >                 
> >                 
> >                 Same test, on OVIRT host but against NFS mount
> >                 point:
> >                 dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/rep2-nfs/test1 bs=4k
> >                 count=500000
> >                 500000+0 records in
> >                 500000+0 records out
> >                 
> >                 2048000000 <tel:2048000000> bytes (2.0 GB) copied,
> >                 18.8911 s, 108 MB/s 
> >                 
> >                 
> >                 PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM
> >                  TIME+  COMMAND
> >                   2141 root      20   0  550m 184m 2840 R 84.6  2.3
> >                  16:43.10 glusterfs
> >                   2126 root      20   0 1407m  30m 2368 S 49.8  0.4
> >                  13:49.07 glusterfsd
> >                 
> >                 Interesting - It looks like if I use a NFS mount
> >                 point, I incur a cpu
> >                 hit on two processes instead of just the daemon. I
> >                 also get much better
> >                 performance if I'm not running dd (fuse) on the
> >                 GLUSTER host.
> >                 
> >                 
> >                         The storage servers are a bit older, but are
> >                 both dual socket
> >                         quad core
> >                 
> >                         opterons with 4x 7200rpm drives.
> >                 
> >                 
> >                     A block size of 4k is quite small so that the
> >                 context switch
> >                     overhead involved with fuse would be more
> >                 perceivable.
> >                 
> >                     Would it be possible to increase the block size
> >                 for dd and test?
> >                 
> >                 
> >                 
> >                         I'm in the process of setting up a share
> >                 from my desktop and
> >                         I'll see if
> >                 
> >                         I can bench between the two systems. Not
> >                 sure if my ssd will
> >                         impact the
> >                 
> >                         tests, I've heard there isn't an advantage
> >                 using ssd storage for
> >                         glusterfs.
> >                 
> >                 
> >                     Do you have any pointers to this source of
> >                 information? Typically
> >                     glusterfs performance for virtualization work
> >                 loads is bound by the
> >                     slowest element in the entire stack. Usually
> >                 storage/disks happen to
> >                     be the bottleneck and ssd storage does benefit
> >                 glusterfs.
> >                 
> >                     -Vijay
> >                 
> >                 
> >                 I had a couple technical calls with RH (re: RHSS),
> >                 and when I asked if
> >                 SSD's could add any benefit I was told no. The
> >                 context may have been in
> >                 a product comparison to other storage vendors, where
> >                 they use SSD's for
> >                 read/write caching, versus having an all SSD storage
> >                 domain (which I'm
> >                 not proposing, but which is effectively what my
> >                 desktop would provide).
> >                 
> >                 Increasing bs against NFS mount point (gluster
> >                 backend):
> >                 dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/rep2-nfs/test1 bs=128k
> >                 count=16000
> >                 16000+0 records in
> >                 16000+0 records out
> >                 
> >                 2097152000 <tel:2097152000> bytes (2.1 GB) copied,
> >                 19.1089 s, 110 MB/s 
> >                 
> >                 
> >                 
> >                 GLUSTER host top reports:
> >                    PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM
> >                    TIME+  COMMAND
> >                   2141 root      20   0  550m 183m 2844 R 88.9  2.3
> >                  17:30.82 glusterfs
> >                   2126 root      20   0 1414m  31m 2408 S 46.1  0.4
> >                  14:18.18 glusterfsd
> >                 
> >                 So roughly the same performance as 4k writes
> >                 remotely. I'm guessing if I
> >                 could randomize these writes we'd see a large
> >                 difference.
> >                 
> >                 
> >                     Check this thread out,
> >                 
> >                 
> > http://raobharata.wordpress.com/2012/10/29/qemu-glusterfs-native-integration/
> >  it's
> >                     quite dated but I remember seeing similar
> >                 figures.
> >                 
> >                     In fact when I used FIO on a libgfapi mounted VM
> >                 I got slightly
> >                     faster read/write speeds than on the physical
> >                 box itself (I assume
> >                     because of some level of caching). On NFS it was
> >                 close to half..
> >                     You'll probably get a little more interesting
> >                 results using FIO
> >                     opposed to dd
> >                 
> >                     ( -Andrew)
> >                 
> >                 
> >                 Sorry Andrew, I meant to reply to your other message
> >                 - it looks like
> >                 CentOS 6.5 can't use libgfapi right now, I stumbled
> >                 across this info in
> >                 a couple threads. Something about how the CentOS
> >                 build has different
> >                 flags set on build for RHEV snapshot support then
> >                 RHEL, so native
> >                 gluster storage domains are disabled because
> >                 snapshot support is assumed
> >                 and would break otherwise. I'm assuming this is
> >                 still valid as I cannot
> >                 get a storage lock when I attempt a gluster storage
> >                 domain.
> >                 
> >                 
> >                 
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >                 
> >                 I've setup a NFS storage domain on my desktops SSD.
> >                 I've re-installed
> >                 win 2008 r2 and initially it was running smoother.
> >                 
> >                 Disk performance peaks at 100MB/s.
> >                 
> >                 If I copy a 250MB file from a share into the Windows
> >                 VM, it writes out
Do you copy it with Explorer or any other copy program?
Do you have HPET enabled?
How does it work with if you copy from/to local (non-NFS) storage?
What is your virtio-win drivers package origin and version?


> >                 quickly, less than 5 seconds.
> >                 
> >                 If I copy 20 files, ranging in file sizes from 4k to
> >                 200MB, totaling in
> >                 650MB from the share - windows becomes unresponsive,
> >                 in top the
> >                 desktop's nfs daemon is barely being touched at all,
> >                 and then eventually
> >                 is not hit. I can still interact with the VM's
> >                 windows through the spice
> >                 console. Eventually the file transfer will start and
> >                 rocket through the
> >                 transfer.
> >                 
> >                 I've opened a 271MB zip file with 4454 files and
> >                 started the extract
> >                 process but the progress windows will sit on
> >                 'calculating...' after a
> >                 significant period of time the decompression starts
> >                 and runs at
> >                 <200KB/second. Windows is guesstimating 1HR
> >                 completion time. Eventually
> >                 even this freezes up, and my spice console mouse
> >                 won't grab. I can still
> >                 see the resource monitor in the Windows VM doing its
> >                 thing but have to
> >                 poweroff the VM as its no longer usable.
> >                 
> >                 The windows update process is the same. It seems
> >                 like when the guest
> >                 needs quick large writes its fine, but lots of io
> >                 causes serious
> >                 hanging, unresponsiveness, spice mouse cursor
> >                 freeze, and eventually
> >                 poweroff/reboot is the only way to get it back.
> >                 
> >                 Also, during window 2008 r2 install the 'expanding
> >                 windows files' task
> >                 is quite slow, roughly 1% progress every 20 seconds
> >                 (~30 mins to
> >                 complete). The GLUSTER host shows these stats pretty
> >                 consistently:
> >                 PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM
> >                  TIME+  COMMAND
> >                   8139 root      20   0 1380m  28m 2476 R 83.1  0.4
> >                 8:35.78 glusterfsd
> >                   8295 root      20   0  550m 186m 2980 S  4.3  2.4
> >                 1:52.56 glusterfs
> >                 
> >                 bwm-ng v0.6 (probing every 2.000s), press 'h' for
> >                 help
> >                 input: /proc/net/dev type: rate
> >                    \         iface                   Rx
> >                 Tx
> >                     Total
> >                 
> >                 
> > ==============================================================================
> >                                 lo:        3719.31 KB/s
> >                 3719.31 KB/s
> >                 7438.62 KB/s
> >                               eth0:        3405.12 KB/s
> >                 3903.28 KB/s
> >                 7308.40 KB/s
> >                 
> >                 
> >                 I've copied the same zip file to an nfs mount point
> >                 on the OVIRT host
> >                 (gluster backend) and get about 25 - 600 KB/s during
> >                 unzip. The same
> >                 test on NFS mount point (desktop SSD ext4 backend)
> >                 averaged a network
> >                 transfer speed of 5MB/s and completed in about 40
> >                 seconds.
> >                 
> >                 I have a RHEL 6.5 guest running on the NFS/gluster
> >                 backend storage
> >                 domain, and just did the same test. Extracting the
> >                 file took 22.3
> >                 seconds (faster than the fuse mount point on the
> >                 host !?!?).
> >                 
> >                 GLUSTER host top reported this while the RHEL guest
> >                 was decompressing
> >                 the zip file:
> >                    PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM
> >                    TIME+  COMMAND
> >                   2141 root      20   0  555m 187m 2844 S  4.0  2.4
> >                  18:17.00 glusterfs
> >                   2122 root      20   0 1380m  31m 2396 S  2.3  0.4
> >                  83:19.40 glusterfsd
> >                 
> >                 
> >                 
> >                 
> >                 
> >                 
> >                 *Steve Dainard *
> >                 IT Infrastructure Manager
> >                 Miovision <http://miovision.com/> | /Rethink
> >                 Traffic/
> >                 519-513-2407 <tel:519-513-2407> ex.250
> >                 877-646-8476 <tel:877-646-8476> (toll-free)
> >                 
> >                 *Blog <http://miovision.com/blog>  | **LinkedIn
> >                 <https://www.linkedin.com/company/miovision-technologies>  
> > | Twitter
> >                 <https://twitter.com/miovision>  | Facebook
> >                 <https://www.facebook.com/miovision>*
> >                 
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >                 
> >                 Miovision Technologies Inc. | 148 Manitou Drive,
> >                 Suite 101, Kitchener,
> >                 ON, Canada | N2C 1L3
> >                 This e-mail may contain information that is
> >                 privileged or confidential.
> >                 If you are not the intended recipient, please delete
> >                 the e-mail and any
> >                 attachments and notify us immediately.
> >                 
> >                 
> >                 
> >                 
> >                 
> >                 _______________________________________________
> >                 Users mailing list
> >                 Users@ovirt.org
> >                 http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
> >                 
> >                 
> >         
> >         please note currently (>3.3.1), we don't use libgfapi on
> >         fedora as well, as we found some gaps in functionality in
> >         the libvirt libgfapi support for snapshots. once these are
> >         resolved, we can re-enable libgfapi on a glusterfs storage
> >         domain.
> > 
> > 

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