see in line

On 02/05/2014 10:45 AM, ml ml wrote:
Hello List,

my aim is to host multiple VMs which are redundant and are high available. It should also scale well.

I'm assuming you are talking about HA cluster since redundancy vm and HA vms are a contradiction :)

I think usually people just buy a fat iSCSI Storage and attach this. In my case it should scale well from very small nodes to big ones. Therefore an iSCSI Target will bring a lot of overhead (10GBit Links and two Paths, and really i should have a 2nd Hot Standby SAN, too). This makes scalability very hard.

This post is also not meant to be a iscsi discussion.

Since oVirt does not support DRBD out of the box i came up with my own concept:

check out posix storage domain.
If it supports gluster you might be able to use it for DRBD.

As far as i can tell i have the following advantages:
- i can start with two simple cheap nodes
- i could add more disks to my nodes. Maybe even a SSD as a dedicated drbd resource. - i can connect the two nodes directly to each other with bonding or infiniband. i dont need a switch or something between it.

- i always need two nodes (as a couple)

Will this setup work for me. So far i think i will be quite happy with it.
Since the DRBD Resources are shared in dual primary mode i am not sure if ovirt can handle it. It is not allowed to write to a vm disk at the same time.

not true that you cannot write to the same vm disk at the same time - you have a shared disk option

The Concept of Linbit ( seems to much of an overhead with the iSCSI Layer and pacemaker setup. Its just too much for such a simple task.

Please tell me that this concept is great and will work and scale well.
Otherwise i am also thankful for any hints or critical ideas.

Thanks a lot,

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