On 02/07/2014 07:36 PM, Bob Doolittle wrote:
What's the best way to request a new feature?

Do we manage a Wiki page for this somewhere? Or should I just open a

The feature I'd like to see:

It would be nice if the Admin page had an indication either on the VMs
page or in the left navigation frame when everything is in place for
starting VMs.

Here's an example scenario to illustrate why this would be useful:

Every morning I power up my Engine and Host machines. The first thing I
have to do is Activate my Host, and then monitor it while it comes up,
Contends and eventually assumes SPM responsibility. Then I can change to
the tab with my VMs and start up the one(s) I need, and open their

But I have to watch the Host tab until SPM is established, because when
looking at the VMs page there's no indication whether they can be
started up yet or not. Nothing unless I try to start one, and get a
pop-up error.

Additional useful features:

Is there any way to cause a VM to automatically power on as soon as
oVirt is ready to do so?
Is there any way to cause a console to automatically open up as soon as
a VM is started?


Users mailing list

best way is opening a BZ RFE, then promoting it via this mailing list for extra attention (well, to the lifespan of emails. worth re-trying on next version feature polling as well...)
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