On 02/20/2014 07:31 AM, simon wrote:
 > On February 18, 2014 at 4:47 PM Itamar Heim <ih...@redhat.com> wrote:
 > On 02/18/2014 06:59 PM, SimmInfo wrote:
 > > Yes, I make my tests from user portal.
 > >
 > > Envoyé de mon iPad
 > >
 > >> Le 2014-02-18 à 09:14, Itamar Heim <ih...@redhat.com> a écrit :
 > >>
 > >>> On 02/18/2014 03:36 PM, SimmInfo wrote:
 > >>> Ok,
 > >>>
 > >>> I tested it on a 3.4 beta2. Build a VM (win7 32) check "Guest
agent" as SSO option in vm config.
 > >>>
 > >>> Same result as the 3.3.3 engine. No sso but lock screen on spice
session termination.
 > >>>
 > >>> Nothing in engine.log about VmLogon nor Guest agent reportion to
the engine but Admin portal populated with vm ip, user connected, ip of
the connected user (very useful info), installed app, etc.
 > >>>
 > >>> Is there another way to know if the agent is correctly reporting
to the engine?
 > >>>
 > >>> Will test today with a fedora host.
 > >>
 > >> just to make sure - did you notice the important point of SSO only
works if you login from the user portal, not from the webadmin?
 > >>
 > >>>
 > >>> Thanks!
 > >>>
 > >>> My test config :
 > >>>
 > >>> Engine 3.4 beta2 on CentOS 6.5
 > >>> Node CentOS 6.5 with vdsm from prerelease repo.
 > >>> Storage iscsi
 > >>>
 > >>>
 > >>>> Le 2014-02-17 à 04:24, Frantisek Kobzik <fkob...@redhat.com> a
écrit :
 > >>>>
 > >>>> Yes, that's a valid point (however it _should_ be set to 'Guest
Agent' by default).
 > >>>>
 > >>>> To sum it up, SSO should happen (on the engine side) if all
these conditions are true:
 > >>>> - user is connecting via userportal (not webadmin),
 > >>>> - guest agent presence is reported to engine,
 > >>>> - state of VM is strictly "Up"
 > >>>> - VM has SSO method set to "Guest agent" (Itamar's mail).
 > >>>>
 > >>>> If these conditions are fulfilled and SSO still doesn't work,
there must be something wrong with the engine (or with reporting GA
 > >>>>
 > >>>> Also VmLogon command should print some information to engine's
log - could you take a look?
 > >>>>
 > >>>> Cheers,
 > >>>> Franta.
 > >>>>
 > >>>>
 > >>>> ----- Original Message -----
 > >>>> From: "Itamar Heim" <ih...@redhat.com>
 > >>>> To: "SimmInfo" <si...@simminfo.com>, users@ovirt.org, "Frantisek
Kobzik" <fkob...@redhat.com>
 > >>>> Sent: Monday, February 17, 2014 3:35:08 AM
 > >>>> Subject: Re: [Users] SSO from user portal to Windows 7 guest
 > >>>>
 > >>>>> On 02/15/2014 07:51 AM, SimmInfo wrote:
 > >>>>> Ok, after more investigation on agent logs and some code
modification it seem that the agent is receiving commands from virtio
device. As it should. I have seen commands lock-screen, shutdown, etc...
But not the "login" command. Look like engine trouble... I will do more
testing tomorrow.
 > >>>>>
 > >>>>> Simon
 > >>>>> _______________________________________________
 > >>>>> Users mailing list
 > >>>>> Users@ovirt.org
 > >>>>> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
 > >>>>
 > >>>> make sure it is enabled for the VM?
 > >>>>
 > >>>> commit abd645d5af8a5e4f7986bef00f470171a63be823
 > >>>> Author: Frantisek Kobzik <fkob...@redhat.com>
 > >>>> Date: Tue Nov 26 11:16:26 2013 +0100
 > >>>>
 > >>>> frontend: Allow enabling/disabling SSO
 > >>>>
 > >>>> This small feature allows controlling SSO per VM.
 > >>>> Changes:
 > >>>> - new radio buttons in New/Edit VM/Template/VmPool dialog.
 > >>>>
 > >>>> Change-Id: I213110a1554cd67b6cd8560477b5d7551e89f24e
 > >>>> Signed-off-by: Frantisek Kobzik <fkob...@redhat.com>
 > >>>> Bug-Url: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1035279
 > >>
 > engine log?
Get no time for testing with fedora guest but there is some log output
of the connection to the vm from user portal :
I've noticed that error : *Error in finding LDAP servers for domain
rstemis.reg01.rtss.qc.ca using user levsi...@csssbasques.reg01.rtss.qc.ca*
This domain : *rstemis.reg01.rtss.qc.ca* is not my domain but another
domain member of the same forest...
2014-02-20 00:02:47,721 INFO
(org.ovirt.thread.pool-6-thread-40) [63705695] Correlation ID: 63705695,
Job ID: bba86395-6eaa-4539-9557-2a0ba45b161c, Call Stack: null, Custom
Event ID: -1, Message: VM test was started by admin (Host:
2014-02-20 00:02:50,795 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-47) VM test
8bf43efc-9424-4ffd-b5c6-1c92623267ea moved from WaitForLaunch -->
2014-02-20 00:02:50,804 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-47) START, FullListVdsCommand(HostName =
csl01basqu0vh01.csssbasques.reg01.rtss.qc.ca, HostId =
vmIds=[8bf43efc-9424-4ffd-b5c6-1c92623267ea]), log id: 4714a293
2014-02-20 00:02:50,813 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-47) FINISH, FullListVdsCommand, return:
[Ljava.util.HashMap;@1bbd855a, log id: 4714a293
2014-02-20 00:02:50,815 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-47) Received a console Device without an
address when processing VM 8bf43efc-9424-4ffd-b5c6-1c92623267ea devices,
skipping device: {alias=console0, specParams={}, device=console,
type=console, deviceId=dd007a77-cbf1-4c58-9cea-39427e770d5d}
2014-02-20 00:03:48,442 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-44) VM test
8bf43efc-9424-4ffd-b5c6-1c92623267ea moved from PoweringUp --> Up
2014-02-20 00:03:48,449 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-44) Correlation ID: 63705695, Job ID:
bba86395-6eaa-4539-9557-2a0ba45b161c, Call Stack: null, Custom Event ID:
-1, Message: VM test started on Host
2014-02-20 00:03:59,757 WARN
(ajp-- calling GetConfigurationValueQuery
(UserMessageOfTheDay) with null version, using default general for version
2014-02-20 00:04:21,710 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-99) VM test
8bf43efc-9424-4ffd-b5c6-1c92623267ea moved from Up --> RebootInProgress
2014-02-20 00:05:01,101 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-66) VM test
8bf43efc-9424-4ffd-b5c6-1c92623267ea moved from RebootInProgress --> Up
2014-02-20 00:05:31,126 ERROR
(ajp-- Error in finding LDAP servers for domain
rstemis.reg01.rtss.qc.ca using user levsi...@csssbasques.reg01.rtss.qc.ca
2014-02-20 00:05:31,593 INFO
[org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.LoginUserCommand] (ajp--
Running command: LoginUserCommand internal: false.
2014-02-20 00:05:31,600 INFO
(ajp-- Correlation ID: null, Call Stack: null, Custom
Event ID: -1, Message: User levsim01 logged in.
2014-02-20 00:05:34,780 INFO
[org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.SetVmTicketCommand] (ajp--
[6916f2f] Running command: SetVmTicketCommand internal: false. Entities
affected :  ID: 8bf43efc-9424-4ffd-b5c6-1c92623267ea Type: VM
2014-02-20 00:05:34,787 INFO
(ajp-- [6916f2f] START, SetVmTicketVDSCommand(HostName
= csl01basqu0vh01.csssbasques.reg01.rtss.qc.ca, HostId =
vmId=8bf43efc-9424-4ffd-b5c6-1c92623267ea, ticket=y5bNXmtoILn7,
validTime=120,m userName=levsim01,
userId=4643e1c0-bd18-493c-8c51-a342802168b0), log id: 44ef4679
2014-02-20 00:05:34,806 INFO
(ajp-- [6916f2f] FINISH, SetVmTicketVDSCommand, log id:
2014-02-20 00:05:34,813 INFO
(ajp-- [6916f2f] Correlation ID: 6916f2f, Call Stack:
null, Custom Event ID: -1, Message: user levsim01 initiated console
session for VM test
2014-02-20 00:05:49,829 INFO
[org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.SetVmTicketCommand] (ajp--
[50148fc] Running command: SetVmTicketCommand internal: false. Entities
affected :  ID: 8bf43efc-9424-4ffd-b5c6-1c92623267ea Type: VM
2014-02-20 00:05:49,832 INFO
(ajp-- [50148fc] START, SetVmTicketVDSCommand(HostName
= csl01basqu0vh01.csssbasques.reg01.rtss.qc.ca, HostId =
vmId=8bf43efc-9424-4ffd-b5c6-1c92623267ea, ticket=thO14QusWk0w,
validTime=120,m userName=levsim01,
userId=4643e1c0-bd18-493c-8c51-a342802168b0), log id: b7b1cf
2014-02-20 00:05:49,849 INFO
(ajp-- [50148fc] FINISH, SetVmTicketVDSCommand, log id:
2014-02-20 00:05:49,862 INFO
(ajp-- [50148fc] Correlation ID: 50148fc, Call Stack:
null, Custom Event ID: -1, Message: user levsim01 initiated console
session for VM test
2014-02-20 00:05:52,547 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-59) Correlation ID: null, Call Stack:
null, Custom Event ID: -1, Message: User
levsi...@csssbasques.reg01.rtss.qc.ca is connected to VM test.
2014-02-20 00:06:07,732 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-81) Correlation ID: null, Call Stack:
null, Custom Event ID: -1, Message: User
levsi...@csssbasques.reg01.rtss.qc.ca got disconnected from VM test.
Also, i get this error each hour :
2014-02-19 23:46:15,522 ERROR
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-37) Failed to invoke scheduled method
refreshAllUsers: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
     at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor175.invoke(Unknown Source)
     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:606) [rt.jar:1.7.0_51]
     at org.quartz.core.JobRunShell.run(JobRunShell.java:213) [quartz.jar:]
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
     ... 6 more
Somthing wrong with my directory config?

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