On 25.2.2014, 15:26, Gadi Ickowicz wrote:
> Regarding the way to remove the old DC and move from local to iSCSI storage, 
> you can:
> 1) deactivate the last domain in the DC (After detaching all other domains in 
> the DC)
> 2) remove the DC (while there is still a host in the DC)
> 3) remove the domain regularly (which should clean the storage itself
> 4) move the host to the new DC

Thanks! Unfortunately I have some production loads already and starting
over would be tough. Any pointers on how the metadata can be fixed?

> Regarding the fact that the other domain was removed cleanly and is still 
> visible in the metadata that is very strange. Do you happen to have logs from 
> the creation/deletion of that domain?

Looks like those logs are rotated away already.

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