
In the third ovirt test day I reviewed the manuals of a various
ovirt tools and commands:

Here are my findings (haven't reported any bugs for them):

The engine-backup and engine-upgrade-check has no man pages,
however help is available by providing the --help argument:

No manual entry for engine-backup
No manual entry for engine-upgrade-check
No manual entry for ovirt-shell

engine-config man page:
1. engine-config ACTION [--cver=version] [-p | 
--properties=/path/to/alternate/property/fie] [-c | 


2. version           relevant configuration version to use
should be:
   --cver            relevant configuration version to use

3. -g key, --get=key [--cversion=version]
should be:
   -g key, --get=key [--cver=version]

4. The man pages misses an explanation how to set passwords using the 
--interactive argument which is described in the the output of "engine-config 

engine-manage-domains man page:
In general, there is a great complexity in explaining the usage of the command, 
too many combinations.

1. Examples:
             -action=add -domain=example.com --user=admin --provider=IPA 
                 Add  a  domain  called  example.com,  using  user  admin  with 
ldap server type IPA and read the password from

The arguments --user, --provider and --passwordFile should be replaced with 
-user, -provider and -passwordFile respectively.

2. changePasswordMsg - doesn't appear in the man page (appears only via --help)

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