On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 01:38:29PM +0300, Gabi C wrote:
> Hello!
> 3.3.3 migrated to latest stable 3.4.0
> 3 nodes F19
> KVM Version:1.4.2 - 15.fc19
> LIBVIRT Version:libvirt-
> VDSM Version:libvirt-
> oVirt Engine Version: 3.4.0-1.fc19
> Upgraded took place with 3 Vm up and 2 down: first upgraded engine,then
> after freeing one node at a time node of and updating it.
> After upgrade when I try to run any of the 2 powered down machines, I get
> "VM ......... is down. Exit message: 'int' object has no attribute
> 'replace'."

Would you share an excerpt of your /var/log/vdsm/vdsm.log? Most
interesting is the backtrace ending up with this error message.
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