On 31/03/14 04:17, Paul Jansen wrote:
From what I can understand ovirt 3.4.0 - or a least the hypervisor part based on el6 - cannot do live storage migration due to an older qemu-kvm package.

AFAIK isn't a old qemu-kvm package but a exclusive rhev package with the live storage migration flags activated in the rpm build spec.

I could activate live storage migration in 3.4 using the packages of this 3rd party repo: http://www.dreyou.org/ovirt/vdsm/Packages/

I manually installed (rpm -i) qemu-img-rhev and qemu-kvm-rhev in each node. I didn't need to update vdsm.

Yes I know that is not the most elegant and professional way, but I need live storage migration.

My nodes run  Centos 6.5 and vdsm 4.13.3

I don't know why downstream includes this feature while upstream still don't have this. Sounds as political and commercial reasons from RH.
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