Il 13/04/2014 12:37, Meital Bourvine ha scritto:
Hi Amedeo,

I don't think that it's possible.
But if your storage domain contains only 1 FC lun, then listing the disks on 
this storage domain will provide you the info.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Amedeo Salvati" <>
Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2014 1:23:13 PM
Subject: [ovirt-users] List disk images residing on specific lun


does anyone know if it's possible, using ovirt-shell or api, to list
every disk image residing on specific FC LUN?

best regards
Amedeo Salvati
Users mailing list

Hi Meital and all,

unfortunately we have several luns, but we've lost one of them (and it's not possible to recover it from the box), so we're looking to know what images are residing on that lun due to remove those images from db/engine gui...

using lvm command on hypervisor node it's possible to match lv name still alive, with some id present on engine db or by ovirt-shell cmd like "list disk --show-all" ?

thanks in advance
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