On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 5:07 PM, Fagner Patricio

> Hello Everybody
> My name is Fagner PatrĂ­cio and i am new in the list, I am from Brazil and
> I am a network admin of a public institution of my state.
> I have a first question, a few months ago i installed a oVirt enviroment
> and so far so good, but last week we received a big data application with
> big RAM needs, about 96GB. So i created a virtual machine with this RAM
> configuration, but when a start, it report a error, that my limit o RAM per
> machine is between 1024MB and 64000MB.
> How can i change this limits?
> My oVirt is version 3.3 of compatibility.
Possibly stupid question: how much physical ram do you have on your oVirt

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