On Tue, 13 May 2014, Sven Kieske wrote:

> Doesn't this make you wonder where the minimum requirements come from?
> If it runs with less than 1 GB RAM, why do the docs say you need 4 GB
> and recommend even 16 GB ?

certainly a fair question ... There is also a statement in 
that setup script as to needed filesystem space which seems to 
have been simply 'pulled out of the air', rather than 
documented / explained
> Is it just a matter of scale(number of vms/hosts/DCs) ?
> What would make engine consume more RAM?
> Can you maybe lower the minimum requirements?

Or isolate the recommendations to a flat file which is 
commented, and sourced by the script, so a person can discern 
the difference between 'hard' requirements, and simple 
'recommendations' for a stated use case

-- Russ herrold
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