On 25-5-2014 19:38, Bob Doolittle wrote:

Also curious is that when I say "poweroff" it actually reboots and comes up again. Could that be due to the timeouts on the way down?

Ah, that's something my F19 host does too. Some more info: if engine hasn't been started on the host then I can shutdown it and it will poweroff. IF engine has been run on it then it will reboot.
Its not vdsm (I think) because my shutdown sequence is (on my f19 host):
 service ovirt-agent-ha stop
 service ovirt-agent-broker stop
 service vdsmd stop
 ssh root@engine01 "init 0"
init 0

I don't use maintenance mode because when I poweron my host (= my desktop) I want engine to power on automatically which it does most of the time within 10 min.
I think wdmd or sanlock are causing the reboot instead of poweroff


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