----- Original Message -----
> From: "Greg Sheremeta" <gsher...@redhat.com>
> To: "users" <users@ovirt.org>
> Sent: Friday, May 30, 2014 6:21:43 AM
> Subject: [ovirt-users] oVirt All-In-One instructions for presentation?
> Hi,
> I submitted a tutorial proposal to LISA '14 called "Hands-on with oVirt," but
> it was rejected. However, we can still get oVirt in front of people if we
> rework it as a "lab."
> Basically a lab is just a one or two sheet set of instructions that would
> describe to someone how to test out oVirt All-In-One in the LISA lab.
> I know there have been demos of oVirt all-in-one at other conferences. Does
> anyone have a list of presentation-friendly instructions that he/she could
> share?
> Thanks!
> Greg
> PS -- Actually -- the 'demo' doesn't have to be all-in-one, but I was
> thinking that would be easiest given the unknown lab hardware at LISA. If
> the lab is very powerful, I suppose attendees could try to setup separate
> nodes. I'll try to find out lab details.
> Greg Sheremeta
> Red Hat, Inc.
> Sr. Software Engineer, RHEV
> Cell: 919-807-1086
> gsher...@redhat.com

Greg: We still may be able to help. How long of a lab would this need to be?

I agree the all-in-one might be the best option; we could also use the LiveUSB 
version to let oVirt run without a hard install.

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