
What kind of search software do you use for ovirt.org?

I was looking for "All in One" info but didn't find the page I was looking for (http://www.ovirt.org/index.php?search=all+in+one&fulltext=Search). DuckDuckgo brought me to


       All in One

   *Name*: All in One
   *Modules*: engine,node
   *Target version*: 3.1
   *Status*: Released
   *Last updated*: 2014-03-10 by Oschreib


   "All in One" means configuring VDSM on the same host where
   oVirt-engine is installed, so that VMs can be hosted on the same

In the text there is clearly All in One mentioned so I wonder why the search engine doesn't give me that page. Searching "allinone" does give me the correct page.

It does explain why it's sometimes hard to find the information your looking for unless you know what you're looking for.

Kind regards,

Jorick Astrego
Netbulae B.V.

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