Hi ,

I am also facing the same issue...

here is the engine logs :-

2014-08-29 09:27:45,432 INFO
(org.ovirt.thread.pool-6-thread-24) FINISH, MigrateStatusVDSCommand, log
id: 1f3e4161
2014-08-29 09:27:45,439 INFO
(org.ovirt.thread.pool-6-thread-24) Correlation ID: 84ff2f4, Job ID:
8bc0b78a-c600-4f8d-98f8-66a46c66abe0, Call Stack: null, Custom Event ID:
-1, Message: Migration failed due to Error: Fatal error during migration.
Trying to migrate to another Host (VM: bc16391ac105b7e68cccb47803906d0b,
Source: compute4, Destination: compute3).
2014-08-29 09:27:45,536 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.MigrateVmCommand]
(org.ovirt.thread.pool-6-thread-24) Running command: MigrateVmCommand
internal: false. Entities affected :  ID:
6134b272-cd7f-43c1-a1b1-eaefe69c6b75 Type: VM
2014-08-29 09:27:45,610 INFO
(org.ovirt.thread.pool-6-thread-24) Started HA reservation scoring method
2014-08-29 09:27:45,666 INFO
(org.ovirt.thread.pool-6-thread-24) START, MigrateVDSCommand(HostName =
compute4, HostId = 3a7a4504-1434-4fd2-ac00-e8d12c043b37,
vmId=6134b272-cd7f-43c1-a1b1-eaefe69c6b75, srcHost=compute4.3linux.com,
dstVdsId=bcd2bd85-c501-4be4-9730-a8662462cab5, dstHost=
compute2.3linux.com:54321, migrationMethod=ONLINE, tunnelMigration=false,
migrationDowntime=0), log id: 640b0ccd
2014-08-29 09:27:45,667 INFO
(org.ovirt.thread.pool-6-thread-24) VdsBroker::migrate::Entered
(vm_guid=6134b272-cd7f-43c1-a1b1-eaefe69c6b75, srcHost=compute4.3linux.com,
dstHost=compute2.3linux.com:54321,  method=online
2014-08-29 09:27:45,684 INFO
(org.ovirt.thread.pool-6-thread-24) START, MigrateBrokerVDSCommand(HostName
= compute4, HostId = 3a7a4504-1434-4fd2-ac00-e8d12c043b37,
vmId=6134b272-cd7f-43c1-a1b1-eaefe69c6b75, srcHost=compute4.3linux.com,
dstVdsId=bcd2bd85-c501-4be4-9730-a8662462cab5, dstHost=
compute2.3linux.com:54321, migrationMethod=ONLINE, tunnelMigration=false,
migrationDowntime=0), log id: 1b3d3891
2014-08-29 09:27:45,702 INFO
(org.ovirt.thread.pool-6-thread-24) FINISH, MigrateBrokerVDSCommand, log
id: 1b3d3891
2014-08-29 09:27:45,707 INFO
(org.ovirt.thread.pool-6-thread-24) FINISH, MigrateVDSCommand, return:
MigratingFrom, log id: 640b0ccd
2014-08-29 09:27:45,711 INFO
(org.ovirt.thread.pool-6-thread-24) Correlation ID: 84ff2f4, Job ID:
8bc0b78a-c600-4f8d-98f8-66a46c66abe0, Call Stack: null, Custom Event ID:
-1, Message: Migration started (VM: bc16391ac105b7e68cccb47803906d0b,
Source: compute4, Destination: compute2, User: admin).
2014-08-29 09:27:47,143 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-28) START,
GlusterVolumesListVDSCommand(HostName = compute4, HostId =
3a7a4504-1434-4fd2-ac00-e8d12c043b37), log id: 9e34612
2014-08-29 09:27:47,300 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-28) FINISH, GlusterVolumesListVDSCommand,
log id: 9e34612
2014-08-29 09:27:48,306 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-51) RefreshVmList vm id
6134b272-cd7f-43c1-a1b1-eaefe69c6b75 is migrating to vds compute2 ignoring
it in the refresh until migration is done
2014-08-29 09:27:51,349 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-52) RefreshVmList vm id
6134b272-cd7f-43c1-a1b1-eaefe69c6b75 is migrating to vds compute2 ignoring
it in the refresh until migration is done
2014-08-29 09:27:52,470 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-49) START,
GlusterVolumesListVDSCommand(HostName = compute4, HostId =
3a7a4504-1434-4fd2-ac00-e8d12c043b37), log id: 7cbb4cd
2014-08-29 09:27:52,624 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-49) FINISH, GlusterVolumesListVDSCommand,
log id: 7cbb4cd
2014-08-29 09:27:53,557 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.LoginUserCommand]
(ajp-- Running command: LoginUserCommand internal: false.
2014-08-29 09:27:53,561 INFO
(ajp-- Correlation ID: null, Call Stack: null, Custom
Event ID: -1, Message: User admin logged in.
2014-08-29 09:27:53,567 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.LoginUserCommand]
(ajp-- Running command: LoginUserCommand internal: false.
2014-08-29 09:27:53,661 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.LogoutUserCommand]
(ajp-- [52b6e08a] Running command: LogoutUserCommand
internal: false.
2014-08-29 09:27:53,666 INFO
(ajp-- [52b6e08a] Correlation ID: 52b6e08a, Call Stack:
null, Custom Event ID: -1, Message: User admin logged out.
2014-08-29 09:27:53,667 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.LogoutUserCommand]
(ajp-- [55036013] Running command: LogoutUserCommand
internal: false.
2014-08-29 09:27:53,671 INFO
(ajp-- [55036013] Correlation ID: 55036013, Call Stack:
null, Custom Event ID: -1, Message: User admin logged out.
2014-08-29 09:27:54,378 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-79) RefreshVmList vm id
6134b272-cd7f-43c1-a1b1-eaefe69c6b75 is migrating to vds compute2 ignoring
it in the refresh until migration is done
2014-08-29 09:27:57,408 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-16) RefreshVmList vm id
6134b272-cd7f-43c1-a1b1-eaefe69c6b75 is migrating to vds compute2 ignoring
it in the refresh until migration is done
2014-08-29 09:27:57,795 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-2) START,
GlusterVolumesListVDSCommand(HostName = compute4, HostId =
3a7a4504-1434-4fd2-ac00-e8d12c043b37), log id: 6e95a40d
2014-08-29 09:27:57,954 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-2) FINISH, GlusterVolumesListVDSCommand,
log id: 6e95a40d
2014-08-29 09:27:58,556 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.LoginUserCommand]
(ajp-- Running command: LoginUserCommand internal: false.
2014-08-29 09:27:58,654 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.LogoutUserCommand]
(ajp-- [6db16c8b] Running command: LogoutUserCommand
internal: false.
2014-08-29 09:27:58,662 INFO
(ajp-- [6db16c8b] Correlation ID: 6db16c8b, Call Stack:
null, Custom Event ID: -1, Message: User admin logged out.
2014-08-29 09:28:00,440 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-12) RefreshVmList vm id
6134b272-cd7f-43c1-a1b1-eaefe69c6b75 is migrating to vds compute2 ignoring
it in the refresh until migration is done
2014-08-29 09:28:00,915 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-93) START,
GlusterTasksListVDSCommand(HostName = compute2, HostId =
bcd2bd85-c501-4be4-9730-a8662462cab5), log id: 5b36bfa6
2014-08-29 09:28:00,974 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-93) FINISH, GlusterTasksListVDSCommand,
log id: 5b36bfa6
2014-08-29 09:28:00,992 WARN
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-93) Trying to release exclusive lock which
does not exist, lock key: e6117925-79b1-417b-9d07-cfc31f68bc51GLUSTER
2014-08-29 09:28:03,128 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-85) START,
GlusterVolumesListVDSCommand(HostName = compute4, HostId =
3a7a4504-1434-4fd2-ac00-e8d12c043b37), log id: 6836617e
2014-08-29 09:28:03,298 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-85) FINISH, GlusterVolumesListVDSCommand,
log id: 6836617e
2014-08-29 09:28:03,488 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-55) START, FullListVdsCommand(HostName =
compute2, HostId = bcd2bd85-c501-4be4-9730-a8662462cab5,
vmIds=[6134b272-cd7f-43c1-a1b1-eaefe69c6b75]), log id: 7bd8658c
2014-08-29 09:28:03,495 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-55) FINISH, FullListVdsCommand, return:
[{displaySecurePort=-1, kvmEnable=true, nicModel=rtl8139,pv,
afterMigrationStatus=, keyboardLayout=en-us, displayIp=,
pitReinjection=false, nice=0, displayNetwork=ovirtmgmt, timeOffset=0,
transparentHugePages=true, vmId=6134b272-cd7f-43c1-a1b1-eaefe69c6b75,
acpiEnable=true, cpuShares=2, custom={}, spiceSslCipherSuite=DEFAULT,
memSize=4096, smp=1, displayPort=5900, emulatedMachine=rhel6.5.0,
vmType=kvm, status=Up, memGuaranteedSize=512, display=vnc, pid=5718,
smartcardEnable=false, tabletEnable=true, smpCoresPerSocket=1,
maxVCpus=160, clientIp=, devices=[Ljava.lang.Object;@53ee8569,
vmName=bc16391ac105b7e68cccb47803906d0b, cpuType=Westmere}], log id:
2014-08-29 09:28:03,548 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-55) Correlation ID: 84ff2f4, Job ID:
8bc0b78a-c600-4f8d-98f8-66a46c66abe0, Call Stack: null, Custom Event ID:
-1, Message: Migration completed (VM: bc16391ac105b7e68cccb47803906d0b,
Source: compute4, Destination: compute2, Duration: 17 sec).
2014-08-29 09:28:03,551 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.LoginUserCommand]
(ajp-- Running command: LoginUserCommand internal: false.
2014-08-29 09:28:03,553 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.MigrateVmCommand]
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-55) Lock freed to object EngineLock
[exclusiveLocks= key: 6134b272-cd7f-43c1-a1b1-eaefe69c6b75 value: VM
, sharedLocks= ]
2014-08-29 09:28:03,571 INFO
(org.ovirt.thread.pool-6-thread-10) START, FailedToRunVmVDSCommand(HostName
= compute3, HostId = fb492af0-3489-4c15-bb9d-6e3829cb536c), log id: 52897093
2014-08-29 09:28:03,572 INFO
(org.ovirt.thread.pool-6-thread-10) FINISH, FailedToRunVmVDSCommand, log
id: 52897093
2014-08-29 09:28:03,651 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.LogoutUserCommand]
(ajp-- [5c34822e] Running command: LogoutUserCommand
internal: false.
2014-08-29 09:28:03,656 INFO
(ajp-- [5c34822e] Correlation ID: 5c34822e, Call Stack:
null, Custom Event ID: -1, Message: User admin logged out.
2014-08-29 09:28:03,716 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-22) START, DestroyVDSCommand(HostName =
compute4, HostId = 3a7a4504-1434-4fd2-ac00-e8d12c043b37,
vmId=6134b272-cd7f-43c1-a1b1-eaefe69c6b75, force=false, secondsToWait=0,
gracefully=false), log id: 7484552f
2014-08-29 09:28:03,769 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-22) FINISH, DestroyVDSCommand, log id:
2014-08-29 09:28:03,770 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-22) RefreshVmList vm id
6134b272-cd7f-43c1-a1b1-eaefe69c6b75 status = Down on vds compute4 ignoring
it in the refresh until migration is done
2014-08-29 09:28:08,470 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-71) START,
GlusterVolumesListVDSCommand(HostName = compute4, HostId =
3a7a4504-1434-4fd2-ac00-e8d12c043b37), log id: 6293b194
2014-08-29 09:28:08,564 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.LoginUserCommand]
(ajp-- Running command: LoginUserCommand internal: false.
2014-08-29 09:28:08,571 INFO
(ajp-- Correlation ID: null, Call Stack: null, Custom
Event ID: -1, Message: User admin logged in.

On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 7:48 PM, Omer Frenkel <ofren...@redhat.com> wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Manfred Landauer" <manfred.landa...@fabasoft.com>
> > To: users@ovirt.org
> > Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 6:29:21 PM
> > Subject: [ovirt-users] Migration failed due to Error: Fatal error
> during      migration
> >
> >
> >
> > Hi all
> >
> >
> >
> > When we try to migrate a VM on oVirt “Engine Version: 3.4.3-1.el6 ” form
> host
> > A to host B we’ll get this Errormessage: “Migration failed due to Error:
> > Fatal error during migration”.
> >
> >
> >
> > It looks like, this occurs only when thin provisioned HDD’s attached to
> the
> > VM. VM’s with preallocated HDD’s attached, migrate without a problem.
> >
> >
> >
> > Hope someone can help us to solve this issue.
> >
> >
> it looks more like a network error:
> Thread-3810747::ERROR::2014-08-14 16:48:45,471::vm::337::vm.Vm::(run)
> vmId=`494f5edc-7edd-4300-a675-f0a8883265e4`::Failed to migrate
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/share/vdsm/vm.py", line 323, in run
>     self._startUnderlyingMigration()
>   File "/usr/share/vdsm/vm.py", line 400, in _startUnderlyingMigration
>     None, maxBandwidth)
>   File "/usr/share/vdsm/vm.py", line 838, in f
>     ret = attr(*args, **kwargs)
>   File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/vdsm/libvirtconnection.py",
> line 76, in wrapper
>     ret = f(*args, **kwargs)
>   File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/libvirt.py", line 1178, in
> migrateToURI2
>     if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainMigrateToURI2() failed',
> dom=self)
> libvirtError: Unable to read from monitor: Connection reset by peer
> could you attach the libvirt log?
> >
> > Best regards
> >
> > Manfred
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Users mailing list
> > Users@ovirt.org
> > http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Users mailing list
> Users@ovirt.org
> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
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