Minutes:        http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-10-01-14.04.html
Minutes (text): http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-10-01-14.04.txt

If you're on CC- see action items below.

#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync

Meeting started by doron at 14:04:43 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-10-01-14.04.log.html .

Meeting summary
* Agenda and roll Call  (doron, 14:04:44)
  * infra update  (doron, 14:04:46)
  * 3.4.z updates  (doron, 14:04:47)
  * 3.5 status  (doron, 14:04:49)
  * conferences and workshops  (doron, 14:04:50)
  * other topics  (doron, 14:04:52)

* infra update  (doron, 14:05:25)
  * infra update: soon to start creation of all the slaves that will
    replace the rackspace ones in phx  (doron, 14:07:04)
  * infra update: soon to start creation of  the vm and the disk that
    will hold the repositories (still not in place) to replace or at
    least leverage linode01  (doron, 14:07:58)
  * thanks to sbonazzo we have vdsm rpms built entirely on mock, and
    replaced the old jobs  (doron, 14:08:23)

* 3.4.z updates  (doron, 14:08:44)
  * 3.4.4 released last week. No additional 3.4.z expected.  (doron,

* 3.5 status  (doron, 14:13:33)
  * 3.5.0 status: currently no blockers. RC4 expected tomorrow.  (doron,
  * 3.5.0 status: If no blockers in RC4 GA should be expected on Monday.
    (doron, 14:15:46)
  * ACTION: sbonazzo danken create 3.5.1 branch  (doron, 14:21:31)
  * ACTION: lvernia amureini doron mskrivanek awels fabiand sahina
    oved__ push all current 3.5.0 bugz to 3.5.1 or later  (doron,

* conferences and workshops  (doron, 14:23:19)
  * kudus to ECS in Brisbane for the admin guide!  (doron, 14:24:35)
  * : kvm forum passes: from now on all should be paid for.  (doron,
  * ovirt workshop (free) registration:
    (doron, 14:25:54)
  * following Düsseldorf events bkp will be speaking about oVirt at All
    Things Open in Raleigh on Oct. 21 and OpenWorldForum in Paris on
    Oct. 31.  (doron, 14:26:46)
  * alitke will be making an oVirt presentation to the Central PA Open
    Source event in Pennsylvania on Nov. 1.  (doron, 14:27:03)
  * LISA 14 will be from Nov. 9-14 in Seattle. CentOS is hosting a dojo
    on Nov. 10, which bkp may attend  (doron, 14:27:23)
  * FOSDEM'15 is Jan 31-Feb 1 bkp applied for a Main Track talk and a
    stand-alone booth for oVirt. Developer rooms should be announced
    today, and the deadline for the Main Track talks are today as well.
    (doron, 14:27:57)

* other topics  (doron, 14:28:39)
  * There's a new Administrator's Guide on the site
    (http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_Administration_Guide). It is a
    bootstrapped revision of the RHEV 3.4 Admin Guide, so we need two
    things: a complete check on converting rhev/rhevm mentions to oVirt
    (I got most, but not all) and an update as soon as possible to oVirt
    3.5.  (doron, 14:29:31)
  * bkp can work on the screenshots for 3.5, but if people can go in and
    ID/fix the rhev parts and start sending me features new to 3.5, we
    can start working on it.  (doron, 14:29:53)
  * bkp expected in the Ra'anana office (Oct. 26-30) for a work week of
    touching base/catching up.  (doron, 14:31:01)

Meeting ended at 14:32:45 UTC.

Action Items
* sbonazzo danken create 3.5.1 branch
* lvernia amureini doron mskrivanek awels fabiand sahina oved__ push all
  current 3.5.0 bugz to 3.5.1 or later

Action Items, by person
* doron
  * lvernia amureini doron mskrivanek awels fabiand sahina oved__ push
    all current 3.5.0 bugz to 3.5.1 or later
* lvernia
  * lvernia amureini doron mskrivanek awels fabiand sahina oved__ push
    all current 3.5.0 bugz to 3.5.1 or later
* oved__
  * lvernia amureini doron mskrivanek awels fabiand sahina oved__ push
    all current 3.5.0 bugz to 3.5.1 or later
* sbonazzo
  * sbonazzo danken create 3.5.1 branch
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* doron (68)
* sbonazzo (22)
* bkp (18)
* evilissimo (14)
* sp33t (8)
* dcaro (5)
* oved__ (4)
* sp34t (3)
* lvernia (2)
* karimb (2)
* ovirtbot (2)

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