----- Original Message -----
> From: "Roman Nikolayevich Drovalev" <drova...@kaluga-gov.ru>
> To: "Nir Soffer" <nsof...@redhat.com>, "Users@ovirt.org List" 
> <users@ovirt.org>
> Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2014 8:38:30 AM
> Subject: Re: [ovirt-users]  Don't start vm
> Nir Soffer <nsof...@redhat.com> написано 11.12.2014 10:02:02:
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > I attach the file. Below log in the vdsm.log.62.xz
> > > 
> > > The given nonexistent disk has probably appeared after template
> removal
> > > from which it has been created.
> > > BUT it was independent and before problems was not, after template
> > > removal!
> > > The disk exists, but at it has changed ID!
> > 
> > I don't understand this description.
> > 
> > Can you describe to steps to reproduce this issue?
> > 
> > Guessing from your description:
> > 1. Create vm with x disks
> > 2. Create template
> > 3. Create vm from template
> > 4. Remove template
> > ?
> Yes.
> 1. Create vm with x disks on the DS 3524 through FC (multipathd on vdsm)
> 2. Create template
> 3. Create vm (independent) from template
> 4. Start vm and job in the vm
> 5. Remove template
> 6. Stop vm
> 7. Don`t start vm with error

Do you mean - start vm fail with error about missing lv?

> 8. seek it disk - #lsblk

Can you share the output of lsblk both before and after you stop the vm?

> 9. many command with block 253:20 

Not sure what do you mean by that

> (kpartx -l /dev/ ..,kpartx -a /dev

You should not use kpartx on vdsm volumes, the host does not care about
partitions in the volumes. Only the guest should access them.

> ..,lvm pvscan , lvm vgchange -a y , ...)

On CentOS 7 (and Fedora), lvm is using now lvmetad daemon to cache lvm
meta data. Unless you refresh the cache or disable usage of the daemon,
lvm commands may return stale data.

To refresh the cache, you can do:

    pvscan --cache

Before running commands such as lvs, vgs or pvs

To disable usage of lvmetad (this is how vdsm operates):

    lvs --config "global {use_lvmetad=0}"

Note: do *not* activate all lvs using "vgchange -a y"
Only vdsm should activate its volumes.

> 10. mount finded  lvm in lvm volume and save data

Mount? how mount is related to lvm?

> 12. reboot all vdsm host
> 13. dont't find ID it disk! ID it disk changed!

Please share output of lvs both before and after the vm is stopped.

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