I noticed I didn't have the reports installed, and thought in addition to installing thm I would upgrade my installation to 3.5.1.

I did a 'yum install engine-setup-dwh engine-setup-reports' and when those installed, I ran 'yum upgrade engine-setup'. This may have been my mistake.

Anyway, once everything got downloaded and installed, I ran a screen session then ran 'engine-setup'. I answered the questions (leaving mostly the defaults) and let it go.

The process usually gets to '[ INFO ] Deploying Jasper' then I lose my SSH session. No problem, I can just log right back in and connect to my screen session, right? Unfortunately, whatever causes my SSH session to drop also seems to kill my screen session, as there are none to be found.

I cannot see anything useful in the logs for why the sessions got killed, but even after I lose the session, I can connect tot he webGUI, though it is still on and if I click on the "Reports" link, it says the Reports module is not installed.

I tried connecting to the console of the Engine (did I mention it is a self-hosted engine?), but the VNC connection cannot seem to connect, so I can't even run it from the console (even though the 'engine-setup' process shuts down the engine services, at least running it from the console should allow it to finish since it won't kill an SSH session)

Any ideas on either what could be going on here and/or how to successfully run 'engine-setup'?

Thanks! :-)

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