On 02/01/2015 04:40 PM, Demeter Tibor wrote:

Is glusterfs 3.6 is neccessary for ovirt 3.5.1?
I have 3.5.2 at this moment.

3.6 neccessary for upgade ?

If you only want to upgrade the engine to oVirt 3.5.1 - you don't need to upgrade the gluster nodes. I understand that your gluster nodes are separate from the virt nodes. That is, you do not have any cluster enabled with both virt + gluster service.

glusterfs 3.6 is not necessary to upgrade engine to oVirt 3.5.1. It would only be required if you were upgrading the cluster level (the compatibility version) which in turn would require newer vdsm versions and gluster versions. But in your case, I think you already have your cluster running with glusterfs 3.5.2. What is the cluster compatibility version?

I'm worried what will happed with my gluster volumes after the upgrade... :(

Plese help me.

Also, how can I upgrade the nodes? Need i'm to a "yum upgrade" on the compute nodes?

By upgrade the nodes - you mean only the compute nodes? yum upgrade on each node should work. You can also move the Host to maintenance mode and click on Reinstall or upgrade from engine.





    No, I have only one replica beetwen two nodes.
    The third node is only a host for vms and that using this replica.



        On 01/22/2015 08:03 PM, Demeter Tibor wrote:


            I have an ovirt 3.5.0 cluster with three nodes and we
            using glusterfs for serving backend storage for VM-s.
            Glusterfs are on same servers with ovirt.
            We have Gluster 3.5.1 on all of nodes.

            How can I upgrade to ovirt 3.5.1 with new glusterfs? I
            don't want data inconsistency/data loss/split brains?

        Do you have a replica 3 volume setup across these 3 nodes?

        Glusterfs supports rolling upgrade for replica volumes.
        But there are some issues to upgrade from 3.5 to 3.6 versions
        (depending on version used)
        Adding gluster-users & Pranith for recommended procedures.


            Need I update gluster version to the latest?
            How I need to upgrade the nodes ?  Is there any whitepaper
            about this?



            Thanks in advance,


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