----- Original Message -----
> From: "Stefano Danzi" <s.da...@hawai.it>
> To: "Nir Soffer" <nsof...@redhat.com>
> Cc: users@ovirt.org
> Sent: Thursday, February 5, 2015 12:58:35 PM
> Subject: Re: [ovirt-users] Self hosted engine iusses
> Il 05/02/2015 11.52, Nir Soffer ha scritto:
> > ----- Original Message -----
> >
> > After ovirt installation on host console I see this error every 5 minutes:
> >
> > [ 1823.837020] device-mapper: table: 253:4: multipath: error getting device
> > [ 1823.837228] device-mapper: ioctl: error adding target to table
> > This may be caused by the fact that vdsm does not cleanup properly after
> > deactivating storage domains. We have an open bugs on this.
> >
> > You may have an active lv using non-existent multipath device.
> >
> > Can you share with us the output of:
> >
> > lsblk
> > multipath -ll
> > dmsetup table
> > cat /etc/multipath.conf
> > pvscan --cache > /dev/null && lvs
> >
> > Nir
> >
> See above:
> [root@ovirt01 etc]# lsblk
> NAME                                 MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT
> sda                                    8:0    0 931,5G  0 disk
> ├─sda1                                 8:1    0   500M  0 part
> │ └─md0                                9:0    0   500M  0 raid1 /boot
> └─sda2                                 8:2    0   931G  0 part
>    └─md1                                9:1    0 930,9G  0 raid1
>      ├─centos_ovirt01-swap            253:0    0   7,9G  0 lvm [SWAP]
>      ├─centos_ovirt01-root            253:1    0    50G  0 lvm   /
>      ├─centos_ovirt01-home            253:2    0    10G  0 lvm /home
>      └─centos_ovirt01-glusterOVEngine 253:3    0    50G  0 lvm
> /home/glusterfs/engine
> sdb                                    8:16   0 931,5G  0 disk
> ├─sdb1                                 8:17   0   500M  0 part
> │ └─md0                                9:0    0   500M  0 raid1 /boot
> └─sdb2                                 8:18   0   931G  0 part
>    └─md1                                9:1    0 930,9G  0 raid1
>      ├─centos_ovirt01-swap            253:0    0   7,9G  0 lvm [SWAP]
>      ├─centos_ovirt01-root            253:1    0    50G  0 lvm   /
>      ├─centos_ovirt01-home            253:2    0    10G  0 lvm /home
>      └─centos_ovirt01-glusterOVEngine 253:3    0    50G  0 lvm
> /home/glusterfs/engine
> [root@ovirt01 etc]# multipath -ll
> Feb 05 11:56:25 | multipath.conf +5, invalid keyword: getuid_callout
> Feb 05 11:56:25 | multipath.conf +18, invalid keyword: getuid_callout
> Feb 05 11:56:25 | multipath.conf +37, invalid keyword: getuid_callout
> [root@ovirt01 etc]# dmsetup table
> centos_ovirt01-home: 0 20971520 linear 9:1 121391104
> centos_ovirt01-swap: 0 16531456 linear 9:1 2048
> centos_ovirt01-root: 0 104857600 linear 9:1 16533504
> centos_ovirt01-glusterOVEngine: 0 104857600 linear 9:1 142362624
> [root@ovirt01 etc]# cat /etc/multipath.conf
> defaults {
>      polling_interval        5
>      getuid_callout          "/usr/lib/udev/scsi_id --whitelisted
>      --replace-whitespace --device=/dev/%n"
>      no_path_retry           fail
>      user_friendly_names     no
>      flush_on_last_del       yes
>      fast_io_fail_tmo        5
>      dev_loss_tmo            30
>      max_fds                 4096
> }
> devices {
> device {
>      vendor                  "HITACHI"
>      product                 "DF.*"
>      getuid_callout          "/usr/lib/udev/scsi_id --whitelisted
>      --replace-whitespace --device=/dev/%n"
> }
> device {
>      vendor                  "COMPELNT"
>      product                 "Compellent Vol"
>      no_path_retry           fail
> }
> device {
>      # multipath.conf.default
>      vendor                  "DGC"
>      product                 ".*"
>      product_blacklist       "LUNZ"
>      path_grouping_policy    "group_by_prio"
>      path_checker            "emc_clariion"
>      hardware_handler        "1 emc"
>      prio                    "emc"
>      failback                immediate
>      rr_weight               "uniform"
>      # vdsm required configuration
>      getuid_callout          "/usr/lib/udev/scsi_id --whitelisted
>      --replace-whitespace --device=/dev/%n"
>      features                "0"
>      no_path_retry           fail
> }
> }
> [root@ovirt01 etc]# pvscan --cache > /dev/null && lvs
>    Incorrect metadata area header checksum on /dev/sda2 at offset 4096
>    Incorrect metadata area header checksum on /dev/sda2 at offset 4096
>    LV              VG             Attr       LSize  Pool Origin Data%  Move
>    Log Cpy%Sync Convert
>    glusterOVEngine centos_ovirt01 -wi-ao---- 50,00g
>    home            centos_ovirt01 -wi-ao---- 10,00g
>    root            centos_ovirt01 -wi-ao---- 50,00g
>    swap            centos_ovirt01 -wi-ao----  7,88g

Are you sure this is the correct host that the multipath error came from?

There are no multipath devices in this host and no ovirt storage domains lvs.

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