On 9-2-2015 8:10, Staffan Öhrberg wrote:
> Hi,
> We have migrated from ESXi 5 to oVirt 3.5. But now we don't get pfSense to 
> work in oVirt. Does anybody know how to configure the networks in oVirt in 
> order to install pfSense.
> In ESX we use vSwitches (and there was a detail tutorial how to do this in 
> pfSense manual), and everything works. But in oVirt, our only options seems 
> to be to create VLANs for WAN and LAN and attach them to a NIC. When we boot 
> pfSense we get no IP address for the WAN interface (we tried both static and 
> dhcp).
> So, what we are looking for is some kind of howtos of how to install pfSense 
> in oVirt.
Ping Yamakasi on IRC. He uses pfsense with oVirt.


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