On 26/03/15 18:12, Darrell Budic wrote:
Yes, this script leaks quickly. Started out at a RSS of 21000ish, already at 
26744 a minute in, about 5 minutes later it’s at 39384 and climbing.

Been abusing a production server for those simple tests, but didn’t want to run 
valgrind against it right this minute. Did run it against the test.py script 
above though, got this (fpaste.org didn’t like, too long maybe?): 

To comment on some other posts in this thread, I also see leaks on my test 
system which is running Centos 6.6, but it only has 3 VMs across 2 servers and 
3 configured networks and it leaks MUCH slower. I suspect people don’t notice 
this on test systems because they don’t have a lot of VMs/interfaces running, 
and don’t leave them up for weeks at a time. That’s why I was running these 
tests on my production box, to have more VMs up.

I don't think it's related directly to the number of VMs running.
Maybe indirectly if it's related to the number of network interfaces (so vm interfaces add to the leak).

We've seen the leak on nodes under maintenance...

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